
Corbin Dunn’s Woodworking Portfolio at Redwood Monkey Workshop.

Woodworking Plans – Free plans I made from projects I’ve done.

Project Hutchinson – Home remodeling projects

Truckee Shop Tour (Built: 2021-2022)

Old Shop Tour (2017 – Video)

Old Shop Tour (2011) (Photos)

Below are posts in the Woodworking Category.

Batman Joinery – Alder Wood Box – CNC Woodworking

I’m really excited about this box! It started out as a way to create unique joinery. I was playing with basic shapes: circles, squares and such. Nothing was looking quite right, and then I had... [read more]

CNC Woodworking Shell Bowl Overview Video

This is a sped up video of me making this CNC wood bowl on my Tormach PCNC 1100. Check out my last post for how to make the shell cnc bowl.

How to Make a Wood Shell Bowl with a CNC Router / CNC Woodworking

September 2020 Update: I’ve been refining this process a lot! Be sure to check out my more complete tutorial on how I create bowls on my CNC machine: CNC Woodworking Drip Bowl Tutorial on YouTube... [read more]

Epoxy Suppliers – Resin and Epoxy Sources and Manufacturers

Last updated: February 2021 What kind of epoxy should you use? What type of epoxy? I’ve been taking notes on various places to buy epoxies, and the general things that are important to people who... [read more]

Finishing Options for River Tables & Other Epoxy/Wood Projects

Update: August 2023: Osmo PolyX and Osmo Top Oil continue to be my goto finishing options for most my projects. I also updated a few of my notes based on long term use. I’m on... [read more]

Square Wood Bowl v1 – CNC Woodworking

I decided to experiment with creating a CNC wood bowl. This is my first jump into doing some more complex shapes with a CNC router, although, I have a proper CNC machine and not just... [read more]

Woodworking: Pine Cone Box 1

This box started out by finding a few huge pinecones that fell off a sugarpine tree in Truckee, California. I thought it would be cool to cast the pinecone in some tinted epoxy and then... [read more]

Woodworking Portfolio

I decided to aggregate most my woodworking projects to one portfolio page. It is not everything I have ever made, but does contain a lot of stuff from the past two years. Check it out:... [read more]

Woodworking: Red and Yellow Hot Lava River Box

When you use red and yellow, the river boxes become lava boxes. Mixing the colored epoxies takes more time; you have to wait until just the right time before you try to combine them. If... [read more]

Woodworking: Futurama Themed Cutting Board

This is a simple end grain cutting board made out of hard maple. I made a few of these to experiment with engraving and epoxy filling. It is difficult to fill the engraving without staining... [read more]

Black River Bar Top

  I previously wrote a post on my epoxy river table bar top, but it just focused on a video of me making it. This piece is made from a California black oak tree that... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Woodworking: Blue River Box

    My friend commissioned me to make a custom box for her upcoming wedding. This is the second box I’ve made in this style, with the first one being called a “waterfall box“. I... [read more]

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