
Corbin Dunn’s Woodworking Portfolio at Redwood Monkey Workshop.

Woodworking Plans – Free plans I made from projects I’ve done.

Project Hutchinson – Home remodeling projects

Truckee Shop Tour (Built: 2021-2022)

Old Shop Tour (2017 – Video)

Old Shop Tour (2011) (Photos)

Below are posts in the Woodworking Category.

Walnut Spatula and Spoon

So far I have made one pair of the spoon and spatula utensils to sell. These are made from walnut with a madrone wood inlay in the shape of a rose. They are the same... [read more]

CNC Woodworking: Madrone Spoon with Wood Inlay

I decided to make a custom spoon to match the Wood Spatula I shared in my last post. I’ve only made a few of them with the rose inlay, but I do hope to make... [read more]

Madrone Wood Spatula with Walnut Wood Inlay

I’ve been working on some utensil designs, and the first thing that I made is a wooden spatula. The spatula itself is curvy and round, which is contrary to a lot of spatulas that I’ve... [read more]

Video: Heart Box – CNC Woodworking

In the last few posts I shared some photos of my heart box. The first prototype one was made from cherry wood with Bora Bora blue epoxy and the second pair was made with purple... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry Wood Box with Purple and Ghost Blue

The first heart box, Cherry with Bora Bora Blue, was a prototype that turned out awesome. However, I felt like there were ways to improve things, especially when my wife gave me some invaluable feedback.... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry with Bora Bora Blue

Update: Available for sale on my store: Corbin’s Workshop or Etsy: Box on Etsy I thought it would be fun to add a lid to my heart bowls and turn it into a box. The... [read more]

Video: Heart Bowl Packaging

Lately I’ve been making several heart bowls to post for sale on my website: Corbin’s Workshop. To ship them, I normally would haphazardly wrap up the product in a bunch of old packaging material, put... [read more]

Heart Bowl – Madrone with Lava Shimmer

My last heart bowl (madrone with bora bora blue) was also made from madrone wood, and this one turned out awesome! I decided to experiment with some new mica powder pigments, and I thought a... [read more]

Heart Bowl – Madrone with Bora Bora Blue

I’ve been working on making a few more heart bowls to have some inventory for sale on my website. This is one of the first ones! This bowl is made from madrone wood. But not... [read more]

Short Video: Heart Bowl – CNC Woodworking

I made this Short (aka: TikTok or Reel) from my full length Heart Bowl CNC Wooddworking video over on YouTube.

Short: Epoxy Drip Bowls

This is a short made from my original Epoxy Drip Bowls video. Original post: Epoxy Purple and Gold Drip Bowls Original video: Epoxy Drip Bowls on YouTube

Short Video: Batman Box CNC Woodworking

I’ve been reworking some of my earlier YouTube videos into “Shorts/Reels/TikToks”. It’s interesting because I get a lot more views. Check out the original video: https://youtu.be/nOVbJVuCh5k As of today, the original video got 3700 views,... [read more]
Video, Woodworking

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