
Treehouses. They fascinate children and bring out imagination in adults.


The Second Treehouse
The Second Treehouse

I am one of the few crazy people in the world who built and lived in their own treehouse. I built my first one back in 1992 when I was in junior high school. Later in 1999 I decided to build a proper one to live in when I was about 20 years old. I lived in it for 5 years before moving to the hills of Los Gatos and eventually getting a programming job at Apple. Check out this section for construction details, photos, and a video.

Note that the treehouse fell down in 2009 (the floor fell out). It had survived 10 years in the trees, but the last 5 years had zero maintainence and probably contributed to beam failure.

The First Treehouse
The First Treehouse

This is what started my interest in treehouses, back in the early 1990’s with a grove of redwoods. I was just 14 years old and one of my good friends sparked my interest in building a treehouse. My dad had started the platform, and then I expanded on it. Click on the link to read more about it!

The Circular Treehouse
The Circular Treehouse

I never quite finished this project, but this treehouse is something more recent. The platform has stood the test of time, and has proved to be quite solid. However, the tree is starting to grow around the steel supports, and eventually this will cause some sort of problem. Or maybe it will just become part of the tree! Click on the link to see all the posts I did on the construction and design.

Below are posts from the “treehouses” category on my site.

The Circular Treehouse: Building a New Treehouse

(Update in 2018, I edited this content a bit. I had made this for a special event with my previous partner, and decided to reword some things mainly for my own sanity). I decided to... [read more]

Pete Nelson’s latest treehouse

From his blog: Just amazing, as usual!

The Canopy Cathedral « The Treehouse Guy

An amazing new Treehouse by Peter Nelson. [From The Canopy Cathedral « The Treehouse Guy]

Peter Nelson’s Treehouse Blog

I just ran across a great blog, Peter Nelson’s The Treehouse Guy. He wrote several great treehouse books, some of which were the inspiration to make my own treehouse.

French Treehouse

Some guys who made a cool treehouse in france emailed me a link to their site: The treehouse is great! They have a spiral staircase and a lift custom made out of steel: [read more]

House for rent (that has my treehouse on it) in Corralitos, ca

Most of my family lives in Hawaii, but they still have a house over here in Corralitos, Santa Cruz County, California. My dad decided we should rent it out, so it will be available (starting... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Artisan Tree & Treehouse

I’ve always loved treehouses, and eventually I hope to build a few more on my property. Until then, I’ll have to live vicariously through other treehouse builders. Steve Chmielnicki, of Rosemont, PA, is an excellent... [read more]

Tree Habitat (another treehouse!)

One of my friend’s, Dan, built a treehouse. He put some pictures up on a website: Be sure to check them out! I went over one day and gave him a helping hand one... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Barbara Butler’s Treehouses and Play Structures

Barbara Butler, who has some great treehouses and play structures that have appeared in several treehouse books, has a great website: She offers both pre designed wooden play houses and 2-story play sets, as... [read more]
General, Nature, Treehouses

Wabi – Sabi Treehouse Vacation Rental in Maui, Hawaii!

Cool! If you are vacationing in Maui and want to stay in a treehouse check out the Wabi – Sabi Treehouse. 400 square feet of tree pleasure built by an Austrian craftsman. Check out their... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Treehouse links

I need to add some treehouse links. For now, I’ll just blog-em: — not really a treehouse, but neat. — some treehouse builders in the UK. They have a neat site started. –corbin
General, Treehouses

Discovery HD — Weird Homes

Hi All, Someone just emailed me saying they saw the episode of “Weird Homes” with me in it. It appears to be airing right now! Discovery HD Theater channel. here’s info: Cool, huh! I’m... [read more]
General, Treehouses

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