
My Woodworking Income – YouTube, Etsy, Website

Hey all! I thought I’d do a video documenting how well my woodworking business is going, in particular now that I have over 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. Let me talk about my goals. I’m really... [read more]

Part 2: The Best Miter Station – CAD and Shop Work

In my last blog post I discussed a bit about my miter station design ideas. I finished up a video where I discuss some of the overall CAD design concepts and how I did a... [read more]

The Best Miter Station and Shop Cabinets

Every YouTuber will say their thing is “the best” or “ultimate” or whatever. It’s the bait to pull people in to watch their video, and I kind of have to do it too. The problem... [read more]

The Dragon Scale Bowl

Well, my blog falls a bit behind, but a month ago I made this new bowl, which I call the “Dragon Scale Bowl”. Initially this idea started out as an exploration of “scales” using Rhino... [read more]

The Articulating Wood Snakes

Video Link: https://youtu.be/4gjCOKrucIA My son’s 6th birthday was coming up, and it seems to be a modern kid’s party tradition for all the attendees to get a gift bag or something. I’ve previously 3d printed... [read more]

Ep 1: CAD Dovetail Design in Autodesk Fusion 360

I design a lot of my projects in Autodesk Fusion 360. Well, I guess it is just called “Fusion” now, which I think was a bad move by Autodesk to rename the product. People can... [read more]

Oak and Epoxy Five Petal Flower Bowl

A while back I posted a new bowl design, which I call the “Five Petal Flower Bowl”. I keep messing up and writing “pedal” instead of “petal” — I guess I have mountain biking on... [read more]

Building a Wall Cabinet / Medicine Cabinet

I just finished building a medicine cabinet for my bathroom. I wanted something that matched the mirror frame design that I did about a month ago. This project file is shared over on Corbin’s Workshop... [read more]

The Mirror Frame v1 and Other Concepts

Yeah, I did spend $1100 to make two of these mirrors for my bathroom, but it was worth it! And it really wasn’t that much; the majority of the cost was purchasing software: Rhino. I... [read more]

The Five Petal Flower Bowl

Oh boy! I kind of forgot to share this project on my blog. I wanted to make a new bowl design, and just play with some shapes in Fusion 360. Ahem…I mean, “Fusion”, as they... [read more]

The Falcon Automata

This is a mechanical flying falcon automaton, powered by turning the crank arm in front of it to move the wings up and down. I recently just realized that “automata”, which is what I’ve been... [read more]

The Corner Cabinet – CNC Woodworking

First off, check out the build video: The Corner Cabinet – CNC Woodworking Fine Furniture I finished this project about a month ago, but I never got around to posting it to my website. My... [read more]

The Voronoi Texture Cabinet Design

Video Link: The Voronoi Texture Cabinet Design on YouTube I started this cabinet late last year and finished in early January. My goal was to build something to hold a lot of my CNC accessories... [read more]

The Hydroponics/Aquaponics Setup

Normally when you think of California you think of sunny beaches and a warm temperate climate where you can easily grow fruits and vegetables. However, we live near Lake Tahoe, and it is cold in... [read more]

Video & Notes: CNC Vertical Work Table

Video link: CNC Vertical Work Table Build It’s been a while since I posted on my blog, and I’ve got a few videos on YouTube that are interesting to talk about. This one above is... [read more]
Wood inlay - pineapple shape with walnut wood on cherry

Video: Perfect CNC Inlays

This video is for CNC woodworkers on how to get perfect inlays with a straight bit. Using a straight bit is required when you want a deep inlay; something greater than 1/2″ thick and up... [read more]

Hex Salad Bowl with Wood Inlay – CNC Woodworking

Watch the video build: Hex Inlay Salad Bowl – My Hardest CNC Project My last hexagonal salad bowl was made with epoxy and cherry wood. I laminated up a bunch of pieces of cherry and... [read more]

Video: Dust Collector Closet

Video link: No cyclone dust collector, no problem! My dust collector is terrible at fine filtration. It is a cheapish 3 HP Grizzly dust collector. Something similar to this base 3 HP G1030Z2P that is... [read more]

Video: Hexagonal Salad Bowl

I finished this new salad bowl a few days ago. I decided to do my “signature style” of epoxy drips on a new bowl design. I played around with a lot of different shapes using... [read more]

Video: How to Make a CNC Spoilboard

Video link: The Ultimate CNC Spoilboard – over on YouTube. A lot of the base footage for this video was filmed when I built my CNC machine back in January and February of 2023. I... [read more]

Salad Utensil Set – Hibiscus Inlay – Cherry and Walnut

This is the latest incarnation of my wood utensil set. I had a few people say I should do a salad set — and this is what I came up with! The overall shape is... [read more]

Video: CNC’ed Salad Bowl – A Failure?

I had a lot of issues making this bowl, and it took over a month to get it completed. I did a lot of test cuts…and I went through a lot of problems before I... [read more]

Videos: Shallow Flow Bowl – CNC Woodworking Projects

This is my “Shallow Flow Bowl” design that I did a while back in Fusion 360. I decided to make a few of them out of wood for sale on Corbin’s Workshop and Etsy and... [read more]

Video: Wood Heart Boxes

I made a few more of these boxes and finished up a video on the whole process. This was one of the first projects on my Avid CNC that I got earlier this year. Some... [read more]
Avid CNC vs Phantom vs Laguna etc

Avid CNC vs Phantom CNC, Laguna, Shop Sabre, Etc

Textual link to the video: Don’t Buy the Wrong CNC – Why I got an Avid CNC This video is almost 20 minutes long and I go into details on why I got an Avid... [read more]

Heart Box Wood Variations

I’ve been doing some variations of the heart box with different woods. This one has a cherry wood base with the same wave design I did in the original wood heart box. I used maple... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry Wood and Madrone Wood Wave

I’ve been working on setting up a new CNC machine, and this is one of the first projects I did on it. It is a variation of the epoxy and wood heart boxes I did... [read more]

Walnut Spatula and Spoon

So far I have made one pair of the spoon and spatula utensils to sell. These are made from walnut with a madrone wood inlay in the shape of a rose. They are the same... [read more]

CNC Woodworking: Madrone Spoon with Wood Inlay

I decided to make a custom spoon to match the Wood Spatula I shared in my last post. I’ve only made a few of them with the rose inlay, but I do hope to make... [read more]

Video: Heart Box – CNC Woodworking

In the last few posts I shared some photos of my heart box. The first prototype one was made from cherry wood with Bora Bora blue epoxy and the second pair was made with purple... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry Wood Box with Purple and Ghost Blue

The first heart box, Cherry with Bora Bora Blue, was a prototype that turned out awesome. However, I felt like there were ways to improve things, especially when my wife gave me some invaluable feedback.... [read more]

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