
Unipacking last training ride

One last hill climb before I head out to the Arizona Trail!

Unipacking: Designing Panniers for a Unicycle: Prototypes

After a bunch of research, and making a new handlebar, I decided to start up on some prototype unicycle panniers and bags. First I just strapped my tent under the front bar; this was a... [read more]

Unipacking: Designing Panniers for a Unicycle: Research

In April 2017 I’m planning on riding the Arizona Trail via my unicycle. This will involve unipacking: carrying all my supplies for a self supported off road adventure over the course of hundreds of miles.... [read more]

Unipacking: Custom unicycle handlebar, part 2

In my last post, I talked about the setup and why I want to make a new handle bar for my KH26 geared mountain unicycle. Here’s a video detailing the construction of it:  

Unicycle handlebar evolution over time

Here’s a few pictures that go with my last video and post: My previous KH26 handlebar that I had made:   Older handlebars:     Post modifications, and experimenting with strapping a tent under it:... [read more]

Unipacking: Creating a custom unicycle handlebar, part 1

I’ve been making custom unicycle handlebars for over 10 years. I’ve refined the shape quite a bit over the years and I always have been tending to go wider and wider, and more mountain bike... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle

I’m in the process of preparing for my next big trip: The Arizona Trail on Unicycle. The Arizona Trail splits the state almost in half with an 800 mile vertical line from Mexico all the way... [read more]

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