
Heart Bowls – CNC Woodworking

My dad’s wife Karen mentioned that she liked my Chaos Bowl and wanted to buy it. There’s no way that I would charge money for my immediate family members to get some of my woodworking... [read more]

Solid Redwood Butterfly Bowl – CNC Woodworking

I wanted to do a version of my butterfly bowl that was solid wood. The tree itself was probably cut down when my parents built the house I grew up in; so sometime in the... [read more]

Batman CNC Joinery Box in Redwood – CNC Woodworking

I made a copy of my original alder batman joinery box and did it in reclaimed redwood. Be sure to checkout the Batman Box Dovetail CNC Joints video over on YouTube. Made with my Tormach... [read more]

Introducing the Redwood Monkey Workshop

I’m pleased to announce an official shop for my woodworking products and artwork! The Redwood Monkey Workshop is now open for business.    The site is made using WordPress and Woocommerce in PHP. I constructed a... [read more]

Kitty Cabinet: Finished

I finally finished my Kitty Cabinet. I had to wait for some more Water Based Poly finish to come; I had accidentally ordered “gloss” when I really wanted “satin”, so it had to be put... [read more]

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