Project Hutchinson

Bathroom Vanity Notes

These are mainly notes to myself on building my downstairs bathroom vanity (cabinet). Face frame construction was normal pocket hole screws and works well for the face and back frame (back side seen here): In... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Kickback! and the bathroom vanity cabinet

I started planing some wood down to ¾” thickness for my bathroom vanity cabinet:   As I was ripping one pice to width a small sliver came loose; there was a crack in the end... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Bathroom Vanity Cabinet: Free SketchUp Model Download!

Here is my downstairs bathroom cabinet design in Sketchup: A quick rendering:   And placed in my bathroom setup:   Download the free cabinet SketchUp model: Downstairs bathroom cabinet 2015.skp    
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

How to make a custom bee hive stand

I’ve been keeping bees for about a month now. I absolutely love the little girls! My friend, Stefan from A Jar Of Honey in San Jose, gave me a hive to get started. I needed... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

New fruit trees

I got a few new fruit trees and shrubs last weekend! The new peach tree is far back right (hard to see), behind the apple tree (no leaves right now). A new blueberry bush (TODO:... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Downstairs Bathroom Remodel – Tiling the shower

My downstairs guest bathroom remodel project continues. Last status was posted in “Downstairs Bathroom Remodel, shower pan, etc“. After I built the shower pan, I installed the 1/2″ cement backer board, being sure to not... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Downstairs Bathroom Remodel, shower pan, etc

This is mainly for myself to remember what I did. I built this half wall, but it seemed flimsy. I didn’t want it to move *at all* as it might cause tile to crack: I... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Firewood Hutch

An oak tree fell down at the end of last winter and I ended up with a lot of great firewood. I saved a few pieces for woodworking (we’ll see how those turn out), but... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Master Bathroom Remodel Done! Custom Cabinets!

I finally completed all the trim and paint in my master bathroom remodel! It looks awesome! I am happy with every bit of it. Some of the final pictures below: Left side of the sink... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Master Bathroom Remodel Almost Done!

Shower door installed (I paid someone to measure and install it…it was much easier than me doing it myself): Cabinet doors and hardware installed. Waiting for the counter top to be fabricated…
DIY Home Remodeling

Master Bathroom Remodel: Shower Tile

I’ve been rather slow to update my blog. It is mainly for myself to remember what I did. After I finished the shower pan, I painted this red waterproofing membrane on the areas that might... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Master Bathroom Remodel: Stained & Finished

I’ve had this done a while…but here are some pictures of the bathroom cabinets and vanity. This is mainly for me to remember and look back on my blog and see what I did to... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Master Bathroom Remodel: Tile Rendering

Playing with tile options (ordered!) and still working on the bathroom remodel project. Cabinets have the finish applied, and I’m doing drywall work. Then plumbing…then tile.
DIY Home Remodeling

Master Bathroom Electrical

I tore out the rest of the drywall, and removed the old bath tub. I then started redoing the electrical in prep for the new cabinet. The electrical switches were on the wrong side; they... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Master Bathroom Remodel: Drawers Finished

I finished my drawers; sprayed 4 coats of Target Coatings Water based lacquer on them. (EmTech 6000). It took a whole gallon to do them all..and ran out right at the end. These are mainly... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Bathroom Remodel: Moving the Water Ins and Outs

The bathroom remodel is a slow project when I do everything myself. Today I worked on finishing my drawers while also moving the plumbing for my sink. It’s hard to tell, but I cut out... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Bathroom Cabinets: Floating Vanity Cabinet Design

I want my bathroom cabinets to “float”. The top one floats 2″ in the air on top of the bottom cabinet, and the bottom cabinet floats 3″ in the air off the ground. The right... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Master Bathroom Cabinets; Drawer Faces and Doors

Still working on stuff. Playing with stains; left side is 1/2 cherry ply, right is cherry wood. Bottom has a maple gel stain, top has pennsylvania cherry gel stain. Cutting all the face pieces to... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Master Bathroom Cabinets – Building Drawers

My woodworking project continues! I planed a bunch of maple to 5/8″ thick my drawer thickness. I went with 5/8″ instead of 3/4″, since my top drawers should appear more “dainty” as they are small.... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Master Bathroom Cabinets – Bottom Piece

Tongue and groove practice; I have a height matched set. Note to self: Put the little rubber grommet inside the chuck. Place it on my table, and push the cutter into it until it bottoms... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Bathroom Cabinets

Well, my bathroom remodel is coming along bit by bit. I got a new cabinet saw to help with things. I went with the Saw Stop brand saw, which cost a ton, but will potentially... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Master Bathroom Remodel

I have been working on a new design for my master bathroom for quite some time. I finished in Sketchup recently: I’m going to be doing a “floating” design where the cabinets are supported by... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Restained deck

Still working on “Project Hutchinson”. Last saturday I put a coat of stain back on the deck to freshen it up. I’m working on designing a new master bathroom. I’m hoping to get working on... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling


This is a late post…but oh well! Well, late last winter I got a new fireplace. I did a design in sketch up and rendered it to get a good idea of what it would... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Metal Coat Rack

What a better use for an old VW brake drum? A few in progress shots: Initial sketch and idea:
DIY Home Remodeling, Machining


The house project continues! I got some baby chickens last Saturday. I got 10 of them — various kinds. Baby chicken: I’m working on running water to the old barn, which will become the chicken... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Shop Tour

How about a tour of my garage shop? Grinder: Work desk and tools hanging on the wall: The fan in the window is used to exhaust fumes from welding and other things: Nuts, bolts and... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Electric Bug, Machining, Woodworking

Upstairs Railing

I’ve been working on a railing for the upstairs part of my house that opens up into the main a-frame. Here’s the general process on how I made it. First off, I did several designs... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Fruit Trees

The yard at Project Hutchinson now has a small orchard. The lumber store over in Santa Cruz was having a sale on fruit trees, so I went and grabbed a few. In front of the... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Shoe Rack

I need a shoe rack that looks nice. I decided to design something pretty in Sketchup. Here is what I came up with while on vacation: The vertical side pieces have a slight curve to... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Project Hutchinson: The carpeted upstairs guest room

The remodeling project continues! We ordered carpet after I finished painting the built-in dresser frames. Unfortunately it was a big ordeal when we went through Home Depot. the color and manufacturer that happened to make... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

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