
Photography: Lemur Eating

A cool picture from my trip to Madagascar in 2009. Lemur Eating

Madagascar: HDR Town

HDR Town, Madagascar A cool picture, in that it looks like a mini-model. f/22, Canon digital Rebal, ISO 200, 3 shots HDR, 17.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Chameleons at Night

Chameleons at Night While in Madagascar Louise and I did two guided night walks. It was quite amazing, as you could shine the flashlight in the trees and chameleons would show up bright white. They... [read more]
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: KH24 on Isle Saint Marie

While in Madagascar Louise and I did a short ride from Isle of Nattes to Isle Saint Marie and up the road a bit. The picture needs to be cropped slightly; you can see the... [read more]
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Ring Tailed Lemur in Tree

Ring Tailed Lemur in Tree HDR from three exposures. Taken on 7/29/09 12:00pm. ISO 100, f/6.3, 100mm. Louise and I were treated to seeing a TON of lemurs in Isalo Park, Madagascar. This guy was... [read more]
Adventures, Photography

Madgascar Natural Pool

This was a great little oasis at Isalo Park in Madagascar. The area was called “Piscine Natural”. HDR from three exposures. f/22, ISO 100
Adventures, Photography

Baobab Trees in Madagascar with Water

7/26/09 4:42:01 PM. f/13. 1/200. ISO 200. 34.00mm with the 17.0-40mm Canon lens. Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar Motor Boat

(Blog restore) The boats in Madagascar generally have a regular engine that runs a pulley to the prop shaft. 1/60, f 7.1, ISO 200, 40.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Native Bird

(sorry for the double post, I'm restoring my blog). Canon Digital Rebal. f/2.8, 1/200, ISO 400, 200mm

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Girl Leaning on Pole

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Green Frog

f/8, 1/80, ISO 200, 100mm (100mm macro lens). No flash.
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Trees

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Vast Open Space

..and my Louise on a unicycle! This was a “short” 20 mile ride that we did. Louise was wise, and turned around early and ended up doing about 10 miles. I went a lot further,... [read more]
Adventures, Photography, Unicycling

Madagascar 2009 Adventure Part 1

(republish) This is a story of our Adventures. I right it mainly for myself, but I hope others will at least look at the pictures, or possibly enjoy reading it. On July 15th, 2009 Louise... [read more]

Madagascar 2009 Adventure Part 1

(republish) This is a story of our Adventures. I right it mainly for myself, but I hope others will at least look at the pictures, or possibly enjoy reading it. On July 15th, 2009 Louise... [read more]

Madagascar: Girl Leaning on Pole


Lemur Hand

Lemur Hand f/5.6, 1/80, ISO 200, 200mm
Adventures, Photography

HDR – French Building in Madagascar

An HDR from three exposures taken on 8/1/09. f/20, 1/80s (others: 1/320s and 1/20s) , ISO 200, 17mm. The three originals used:
Adventures, Photography

Ringtailed Lemur

Canon Digital Rebal, f/5, 1/60, ISO 400, 200.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Avenue of Baobabs and Unicycles

These pictures complement the Mad Uni video when we rode from Morandava, Madagascar to the Ave of Baobabs. Louise by a tree:    Corbin – Louise took a much better picture than mine
Adventures, Unicycling

Madagascar Unicycling Pictures

We took a pirogue (a dugout canoe) from Isle aux Nattes (a tiny island, not even shown on google maps) to Isle Sainte-Marie, a larger island off the east coast of Madagascar. We then road... [read more]

Unicycling Video: Mad Uni

Mad Uni – Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar July 26th, 2009 Featuring: Corbin Dunn and Louise Lovelle MPEG-4, 45.3 MB, 1:17 duration. Also available is a medium version 18.4 MB. This is pretty much the only... [read more]

Colorful Bug, Madagascar

At the Anja Preserve f/18, 1/100, ISO200, 200mm, Canon Digital Rebal XT, 70.0-200.0mm lens.

Louise at the Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar

Louise at the Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar HDR from three exposures. f/9, 1/160, ISO 200. 17.0mm.

Zebu Cart

Zebu Cart, Madagascar (HDR) Louise and I just returned from a two month vacation/honeymoon. The first month was spent in East Africa, unicycling about 550km from Nairobi, Kenya to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The tour... [read more]

Off to Africa for Unicycling

Today, Louise and I are heading out to Africa for a unicycle tour from Kenya to Tanzania. After that, we will be taking a trip to Madagascar for some more touring! I’ll be without my... [read more]

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