
With the advent of the iPhone, everyone has become a photographer. The camera you have with you is frequently the best camera. But since 2005 I’ve been lugging around a DSLR.

Check out my Photography & Video Equipment to see what I use.

Photography: Torch Ginger

Torch Ginger (Etlingera elatior) growing in Hana, Maui, Hawaii. The eastern side of Maui is a lush, wet rain forest where these gigantic ginger plants create the most beautiful red blossoms.

Video: Sunset Time Lapse in Maui

I took a ton of pictures with my Canon 5D and created this awesome time lapse video.

Photography: Sunset in Maui

Sunsets in Maui are fabulous! I took this picture hand held from our balcony with my Canon 5D Mark III. 5 exposures combined together in Photomatix to create a vibrant HDR, pulling out some of the colors a bit, and then upping the contrast in Lightroom.

Photography: Waimea Canyon in Kauai

Waimea Canyon in Kauai - an HDR photo where I combined 5 exposures to generate one beautiful image.

Photography: Napali Coast in Kauai

The Napali Coast as seen from a boat.

Photography: Hanalei Coconut Trees

While traveling in Hanalei on the island of Kauai in the early morning I snapped a picture of some of the trees.

Photography: Nepal Wares

I took this picture back in April of 2015 when I was in Nepal on a unicycle tour through the Annapurna mountain range.  Vendors with portable shops would setup their items to sell alongside the... [read more]

Photography: Speckles the horse.

More horse photos! This photo was also taken when I was going through Spain heading from Barcelona up to San Sebastian with a few friends last summer. We touched through France, and I’m pretty sure... [read more]

Photography: Horse eating grass in France

I ran around with my tripod taking tons of pictures of the horses on a windy hilltop in France last summer. I used  Photomatix to generate this picture by combining five different exposures.     Use Photomatix! I... [read more]

Photography: Redwoods in Yosemite

I used to not really like hiking. There seemed to be no purpose to it; you followed a trail for no real rhyme or reason and usually ended up back where you started. I never... [read more]

Photography: Half Dome Side


Photography: Half Dome from Cloud’s Rest, Yosemite, California

Half Dome from Cloud’s Rest, Yosemite, California     A grueling 9 mile hike from Yosemite Valley that is relentlessly straight up!   

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