Vinyl Cutter Projects

Silhouette Images from Color Pictures for Vinyl Cutting

  Hi Everyone! I’ve been using color images to create black and white silhouette images that I can convert to a vector and cut out on vinyl. It is pretty easy to do, so I... [read more]
Project Videos, Vinyl Cutter Projects

Custom Etched Stainless Steel Kitchen Backsplash

I bought a $40 stainless steel piece from a big box store and etched it myself to create a custom backsplash for my kitchen. It wasn’t too hard to do, and you can do it... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Vinyl Cutter Projects

Vector Image Stencil Art

I’ve been spending some time creating vector images out of photographs. My main purpose was to be able to create some cool stencils and vinyl stickers. Check out Making Vector Images from Pictures for Vinyl... [read more]
General, Vinyl Cutter Projects

Making Vector Images from Pictures for Vinyl Cutting

In this video I’ll create custom silhouette vector images for use in a vinyl cutter such as the Silhouette Cameo. I walk through the basics on how to do this in Adobe Illustrator.    ... [read more]
Project Videos, Vinyl Cutter Projects

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