

California Mountain Unicycle Weekend

Last weekend was the annual “California Mountain Unicycle Weekend” (official website at the SB Unicycle Club). This year, it was held in Santa Barbara, California. I had a BLAST! As usual, other people took a... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival

Last weekend, I went to the Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival. I had a ton of fun! I got there on Saturday morning at about 11 am. I started hopping around on my trials uni... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival

The “Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival” is this Fri, Sat and Sunday: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~juggle/festival/index.php I’ll be there! Come say hi. I’ll be riding a unicycle.
General, Unicycling

Coker Muni Ride and Disc Golfing

Yesterday was a fun day. Nathan, Beau, Jason Nick and I did a cool “Coker Muni” ride in Santa Cruz. We rode up the UCON trail, and then down Magic Carpet. It was really cool,... [read more]
General, Other Stuff, Unicycling

Mountain unicycling at Northstar, Tahoe, CA

Hi All, Yesterday I did some muni at northstar. Here are a few pictures: http://www.corbinstreehouse.com/pictures/thumbnails.php?album=6 My highlight of the adventure was making down a double black diamond called “STD”. Lloyd got it on film..i’ll have... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Wheel walking

I’ve been working a lot on wheel walking lately: (Photo by Nathan Hoover)
General, Unicycling

Mountain Unicycling — Soquel Demonstration Forest

Yesterday, me and a bunch of others went mountain unicycling in the Soquel Demonstration Forest. Nick, Tom H., Scot, Nathan Hoover, Beau Hoover, Colin, Mike Scalisi and myself. Here are my pictures. It was a... [read more]
General, Unicycling

San Francisco Unicycle Tour – more pictures!

Gary has posted a bunch of pictures on his smugmug account. Here are some of the ones of me: Riding up a hill. Riding on the edge. Rob telling me where we went. I swear.... [read more]
General, Unicycling

San Francisco Unicycle Tour

Last Sunday, I did a 40+ mile tour of San Francisco with 12 other unicyclists (Rob, Nick, Beau, Nathan, Scot, Bronson, Daniel, Mark Massie, Geoff, John Foss, and of course, the birthday boy, Gary). It... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Trials unicycling on “the machine” at burning man

Seth took some really really cool pictures of me on “the machine” at burning man: Here i’m doing a still stand on the edge: This is right before I hopped off to the ground. Thanks... [read more]
Other Stuff, Unicycling

More mountain unicycling pictures.

John has some pictures of our trip to Downieville: smugmug – John Foss : Downieville, July 17, 2005. I’m the guy not wearing a shirt with a blue helmet.
General, Unicycling

Some Mountain Unicycling (muni) and Trials pictures

John Foss put some pictures he took of me on his smugmug site: Hurt arm – I hugged a tree. (from riding in Auburn) Doing Trials riding (at Jess’s house):
General, Unicycling

rail unicycle riding at East Cliff Rd, Santa Cruz, CA (aka: ‘the hook’)

I did some cool rail riding last weekend: http://www.bluetreesoft.com/wallpapers/wallpapers.cgi/east_cliff?ppp=0 Here’s a snapshot: I am actually right above the cliff. Check out the other pictures. Cool, huh! This is what I do in my spare time.... [read more]
General, Unicycling

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