

Unicycle ride log, entry 0 – Feb 28, 2008

Unicycle ride log, entry 0 Ride: Reservoir ride from Nathan’s house. Corbin, Louise, Eric, Nathan. Date: Feb 28, 2008 Time: 7:50? AM – 9 AM Riding Time: 1:02? (forgot the exact time) Distance: 12 miles... [read more]

Nimbus 36 unicycle cable brake

I welded on a little bracket to the back of my big 36’er unicycle frame to allow me to mount a cable brake: The nimbus 36 frame that I use can run magura brakes, but... [read more]

Ride the Lobster! Unicycle race…

I mentioned before that I’m going to be “riding the lobster”. One of my team mates, Kevin, had a great article on him in the good times (a local paper in santa cruz): http://www.gtweekly.com/unicycle-adventures Check... [read more]

Movies from Muni Weekend 07 – Santa Cruz

Dani, a great unicycle rider from Hawaii, not only flew all the way over the Pacific to come to Muni Weekend, but he also brought his camera and got a lot of great shots. Here’s... [read more]

Unicycle ride

Louise and I did a short unicycle ride today. Well, 8:20 – 12:45pm, so not really short. The route: http://www.bikely.com/maps/bike-path/Corbin-s-House-Reservoir Distance: 40.4 km Ascend: 1323 m Descend: 1751 m Soft Gravel: 2 km RTL Rating:... [read more]

UniBar – version 3, SketchUp

I have been making custom unicycle handlebars (also known as “touring handles” or “touring handlebars”). They make the unicycle more comfortable when riding long distances. I’m hoping to make a write up on how I... [read more]

UniBar – version 3, SketchUp

I have been making custom unicycle handlebars (also known as “touring handles” or “touring handlebars”). They make the unicycle more comfortable when riding long distances. I’m hoping to make a write up on how I... [read more]

California Mountain Unicyle Weekend – THIS WEEKEND! Oct 12-14th, 2007, Santa Cruz.

California Mountain Unicyle Weekend – THIS WEEKEND! Oct 12-14th, 2007, Santa Cruz. http://www.unicycling.com/muni/2007/ Go to the website, and print out the form. You should come! The “big day” is saturday, and that will be the... [read more]

More muni weekend trials obstacles

I’ve been building more and more stuff for California Muni Weekend 2007 – Santa Cruz. I’ve posted new pictures on my site, starting here: http://picasaweb.google.com/corbin.dunn/TrialsAtCorbinSHouse/photo#5101921612786166786

Muni in Tahoe last weekend

Louise A few more pictures of me, Mark and Shel: http://picasaweb.google.com/corbin.dunn/MountainUnicyclingInTahoe We went to Tahoe and road Mr. Toads on Saturday. On Sunday, we played around on the rocks by a small clear lake. Tons... [read more]
General, Unicycling

New unicycle! KH 20

I recently got a shiny new trials unicycle, the best there is, a Kris Holm 20″ trials: In it’s natural territory: From Bedford unicycles. Bedford did a TOP NOTCH job tuning up the uni before... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Trials course

I’ve been working on a cool trials course for muni weekend 07 (Mountain Unicycle weekend) in Santa Cruz. Here are a few highlights and the full album on picasa: Trials at Corbin’s House
General, Unicycling

I’m on TV! …sort of…

A few months ago when I went to Moab for a huge mountain unicycling festival (Moab Muni Fest), there were some people from Mountain Dew filming. Well, they put there film online, and I’m in... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Mountain Unicycling in Oakland/Berkley

Tom got some great mountain unicycling pics from a week ago: http://www.unicyclist.com/index.php?page=gallery&g2_e=gallery&g2_itemId=308961 He got this great video of me riding this horse corral fence: http://www.unicyclist.com/index.php?page=gallery&g2_itemId=309051 Very cool, thanks tom!
General, Unicycling

Unicycling: Pedal review

I’ve had many horrible experiences with pedals. After my latest set of pedals pulled out, I decided to start recording my experiences for the benefit of others. I’ll go through them in the order I... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Check out this trials sequence

This is a great unicycling sequence shot that someone took: http://www.unicyclist.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=224401&g2_serialNumber=1&g2_GALLERYSID=4e1d3499a3bfe3d0edd6b0b4b9a8bf17
General, Unicycling

100k on a Unicycle – Strawberry Fields Forever

100k on a Unicycle – Strawberry Fields Forever. Here are some pictures from Nathan: Nathan Hoover photo galleries – powered by smugmug. I’m in the last 4 photos wearing a red shirt. Daniel, Corbin and... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Old muni pictures from Robert

Turn your head sideways ;)
General, Unicycling

Muddy Coker Muni ride from April 2nd

Hi all, Nathan put up some pictures on his website of a Coker ride we did in Santa Cruz a few weeks ago. Nathan Hoover photo galleries – powered by smugmug.
General, Unicycling

Moab Mountain Unicycle Festival

Some pictures of me at the Moab Mountain Unicycle Festival a few weeks ago. (Moab Muni Fest). From Jess: http://unicyclejester.com/gallery/trips/moab_06/saturday/?g2_page=2 http://unicyclejester.com/gallery/trips/moab_06/saturday/?g2_page=6 http://unicyclejester.com/gallery/trips/moab_06/sunday/?g2_page=2 http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jayromick@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/a5cf&.dnm=5542.jpg&.src=ph From spencer’s mom. Moab videos (not of me, but I was there):... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Mountain Unicycle pictures from Rockville Hills Park

Last Saturday, I went and did some really killer mountain unicycling with a great bunch of people. Tom took a lot of good pictures and put them up here: http://unicyclist.com/gallery/?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=179916&g2_page=1. Check them out! I’m the... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Mailboxes muni ride — a few pictures

Tom took a few pictures from our mountain unicycle ride last weekend, Mailboxes, in santa cruz. check them out here.
General, Unicycling

Uniplex: Episode 2

Uniplex Episode 2 is out! Download the w4v file and play it with QuickTime 7 or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. This episode has Trevor Blackwell and his self-balancing electric unicycle. Plus, some interviews... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Mountain Unicycling – Pro photographer pictures

Daniel Peak, a photographer, took some pictures of me riding my mountain unicycle in Los Gatos a while ago. Visit his website at: http://www.danielpeakphotography.com/, and on the editorial page you can see the picture he... [read more]
General, Photography, Unicycling

A few pictures

A few pictures from last weekend are here. I need to fix my gallery so the others show up…stupid ImageMagic is failing to resize them!
General, Photography, Unicycling

West Cliff Rail Riding

Jason took some pics with my new camera. This is just a screen shot from iPhoto (real pictures later):
General, Unicycling

Support my unicycle buddies

A bunch of my friends are going to be doing a unicycle tour through Laos, one of the poorest nations in South East Asia. Check out the website and the riders. And, if you want... [read more]
General, Unicycling

professional santa barbara mountain unicycle pictures

Nathan Welton got a lot of great shots of everyone at the California Mountain Unicycle Weekend. He is an excellent professional photographer. I’m in a bunch of the pictures, starting with Img_3057. My favorites are... [read more]
General, Unicycling

More unicycling pictures (39 mile coker ride around san francisco)

John Foss put up his gallery of the 39 mile coker ride around san fran. All of them are located here. My favorite is this one of me coker-wheel walking, with the city in the... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Coker trials

Well..i really wish i could hop that high. But, I can balance up there for a short bit of time. This was on our Berkeley uni tour from a month or so ago.
General, Unicycling

Muni Weekend — more photo’s

John Foss always gets a great set of photos. They are all located here. I’m here: http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/7/40543865 http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/7/40544071 http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/7/40544261 (flying!) http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/8/40545306 http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/12/40547848 http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/12/40547913 http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/12/40547954 http://unicycling.smugmug.com/gallery/894030/12/40548034 (i just rode down that pipe) Tom’s also got some... [read more]
General, Unicycling

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