
Fastest speed on a unicycle

A frequent question I get is how fast can I ride on my unicycle. This morning, while riding to work, I hit my fastest speed. 26.1mph, downhill. Really quite insane, as crashing at that speed... [read more]

AJ’s handlebar.

Some pictures of a handlebar I last built. I prefer making the T run vertical; it avoids having the horizontal tube collect water. The thing is light!

The latest unicycle handle

I’ve been using my newest unicycle handle for quite a while, and I’m really happy with it. I’ve designed it to fit my geared KH24, and I want to make a newer version that fits... [read more]

KH 36 Unicycle

My new road unicycle is setup and ready to ride! My old road unicycle was a Nimbus 36 frame – but, I had had dremmeled out the bearing holders to fit the 42mm bearings for... [read more]

Yet another unicycle handlebar

I made another unicycle handlebar. This time, taking some ideas from other people and using an old bike seat tube with a T welded on front so I could mount bar ends on it. It... [read more]

Munibar: Mountain Unicycle Handlebar

A few days ago I finished a new unicycle handlebar for my mountain uni; thus, we have the munibar. I’m planning on using the geared 24″ mountain unicycle for the Africa tour next summer, and... [read more]

Muni Ride Log, entry 18: Stevens Trail

Muni Ride Log – Stevens Trail, Colfax, CA (another link to info about it). I started using the iPhone app “iMapMyRide“. It dumps things back to a website and generates a nice map. Unfortunately, some... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Matching Geared KH 24 Mountain Unicycles

Louise and I have (somewhat) matching Geared KH 24 Mountain Unicycles: Mine’s rim has horizontal stripes: While Louise’s is a candy-cane:     Unfortunately, the paint job on mine got warn away after one day of... [read more]

MUNI v1 – Mountain Unicycling Video

MUNI v1 – Mountain Unicycling Video from Corbin’s Treehouse Productions. High Quality, 22 MB, H.264, AAC encoded. Get QuickTime to play it. Featuring: Chuck, Corbin, Jason, Louise, Bevan and appearances of Kevin. Post on the... [read more]

Couple pictures from SD Muni Weekend

I only took a few pictures. Here they are: Cody doing a kick flip trick off the ramp at Mile’s house. Max, reaching the top. Amazing. Simply amazing! Max trying street moves. A suspension unicycle... [read more]

Geared 24″ Mountain Unicycle Riding

I finally got a geared hub for my 24″ Mountain Unicycle (muni) and gave it a ride last weekend. What a treat! The thing is blastingly fast. I rode a 6-7 mile loop in the... [read more]

MOVIE: California Mountain Unicycle Weekend 2008

I made a quick movie for the “California Mountain Unicycle Weekend 2008” in San Diego. Here it is! High quality, requires QuickTime or some other H264 decoder: And for you people who like YouTube, horrible... [read more]

Cal Muni Weekend 2008

Last weekend I drove down my Prius to San Deigo for the annual “California Mountain Unicycle Weekend”. Nathan put some pictures up here: CMW 2008 Here’s me on the top of one of the rides:... [read more]

At twin peaks


20 unis


Post muni pizza

Hmmm pizza! We had a great time riding mr Toads. 3hrs and 15 min– quite fast! Chuck and kevin finished an x large pizza. Louise and I ate only half.

Chuck with 4 dinners

Chuck had a snack on the drive up.

Tips for getting into unicycling and mountain unicycling

Do you want to just learn to unicycle, or do you want to eventually mountain unicycle (muni)? If your goal is simply to learn to unicycle, your best bet is to get a cheap starter... [read more]

Northstar muni this weekend!

We are going to go muni riding in northstar this weekend! The place has lifts so we can just ride downhill. Here’s the car with my first ever attempt of loading unicycles on the roof.... [read more]

Typical ride to eork

The typical ride to work with my 20″ uni:

Unicycle paint jobs (2)

I picked up some sweet metallic red auto paint, and painted our unicycles. Here’s some final shots, and eventually I may write up a post on how it was done. Corbin’s KH 24 frame and... [read more]

“Ride the Lobster” Unicycle race — cover article

Howdy! I forgot to pick up a copy of this newspaper in Canada, but it was quite cool as I was on the cover (lower left) at the start of the last day. Click for... [read more]


I asked Louise to marry me on our unicycle ride last friday, 7/4/08. we are engaged! The night before I rode up and spray painted over a bunch of graffiti and the painted the words... [read more]

Ride the Lobster Unicycle Race: It’s over!

Well, Louise and I had a great week riding our unicycles at a maddening pace throughout Nova Scotia. Final results are here: http://www.ridethelobster.com/race/final.php My team, Texacali, placed third overall! (out of 35 teams). I’m quite... [read more]

Ride the lobster unicycle race: Stage 1 done!

We finished the first 200km! It was pretty tough. Amazingly enough, my team, TexaCali, is in third place! We probably exerted too much energy today, but it was pretty fun. For a while at the... [read more]

Ride the Lobster – Unicycle race in Canada next week

Next week my team (TexaCali) will be participating in the “Ride the Lobster” unicycle race in Nova Scotia, Canada. Check out the website: http://www.ridethelobster.com/ And visit the results page to see how we do: http://www.ridethelobster.com/race/results.php

Corbin’s Trials Course – 30th birthday movie

Back on April 13th I turned 30! I did a little camera filming on my trials course. Click below to download the movie. QuickTime format, H.264 encoded, 2:41 seconds. 15.6 MB.

Unicycle ride log, entry 17, May 22, 2008

Ride: Home to work. RTL training ride. Totally tired, and I forgot to get stats. Something like 12-13mph average over the 20 mile ride, and about 10 minutes longer than usual. i crashed riding to... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 16, May 21, 2008

Ride: Los Gatos to work. With my MacBook Pro 15″ in a backpack that also contained my camel back with 2 liters of water. Time: 8:00’ish to 9:40’ish Riding Time: 0:38’00 Distance: 9.21 miles Average... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 15, May 20, 2008

Ride: Home to work. RTL training ride. I finally fixed my cycle computer to be more accurate. Time: 6:35 to 8:05? Riding Time: Distance: Average Speed: Max Speed: 26.2 mph (that can’t be right, but... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Unicycle ride log, entry 14, May 18, 2008

Ride: Strawberry Fields Forever 2008 – Watsonville, Corralitos, and Santa Cruz. Time: 7:15’ish to 3:30’ish Riding Time: 5:13’08, moving time on cycle computer Distance: 65.52 miles. Average Speed: 12.5 mph Max Speed: 25.3 mph ODO:... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

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