
Broken Handlebar Repair

While in New Zealand, I broke the handlebar on my KH24. The thin tubing failed due to too much stress on the joint. The braze held up fine, and it broke right above it. While... [read more]

Tandem Unicycle Practice

I brought the tandem unicycle with me to Yosemite this past weekend weekend. I was hoping Louise and I would get a chance to ride it, but she was sick all weekend and it started... [read more]

Photography: Pincushions and Unis

Photography, Unicycling

Photography: Coker in the Grass

Photography, Unicycling

Rob’s Ride.

We did one of our favorite ride’s today, “Rob’s Ride”, with the famous Rob, Ken, Louise and myself. I dragged my camera around and took a few pictures. Route: http://www.mapmyfitness.com/view_workout?w=810127162306730208 iMapMyRide: Apr 18, 2010 1:37... [read more]

Recumbent Unicycle

Not a pretty beast, and not easy to ride. It took me thee weeks of practice before I could ride it, and only after that could I “sort of” ride it. No free mounting or... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Powder Coating a KH24 Mountain Unicycle

Louise got me a powder coating gun for Christmas, and my friend Eric gave me his old stove so I could do some homebrew powder coating. I finally got it all together and did my... [read more]

New Zealand, UNICON, and me

New Zealand is an awesome place. The scenery is just amazing, and the country is very open to adventure sports. I was luck enough to travel with three of my really good friends: Nathan Hoover,... [read more]

Photography: Flatland Unicycling

Flatland Unicycling Beau Hoover in Queenstown, New Zealand. December 2009.
Photography, Unicycling

Unicon Marathon Race Details

For the past two weeks I was participating in Unicon 15, the bi-annual unicycle convention held in Wellington, New Zealand. Unicon is also known as the Unicycle World Championships. This is the first time that... [read more]

Unicycle Marathon World Champion

I’m the 2010 Unicycle World Champion for the Marathon Race! Jeff Wilton took some great pictures, and here is one of me crossing the finish line and getting interviewed at the end:

Franz Josef Glacier

For Christmas 2009 I was at Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand. I rode my kh36 out to it and walked to the top of a little mountain/rock: . HDR of the KH36:


Today was one of the best days ever. A bunch of us in New Zealand went “Heli-muniing”. For the uninformed, that is taking a helicopter to the top of a mountain and riding our muni... [read more]

Coronet Peak, NZ

Today I rode from Queenstown to Coronet Peak. Here’s a shot of my geared KH36, with the road in the background.

In New Zealand for UNICON

A few days ago I left for a trip into the southern hemisphere, New Zealand. There is a big unicycle conference called UNICON in Wellington, which is at the bottom of the north island. I... [read more]
Photography, Unicycling

Adjustable Unicycle Handlebar

I was never happy with the last handlebar I made for my KH36 road unicycle. It attached underneath the base of my seat, and despite it being carbon fiber it still flexed quite a bit... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Tandem Unicycle Video – first time!

Here is a short video of me (in the back) riding the tandem unicycle with Jason. This was our third try. With practice, I’m sure we’ll be able to ride it.

Building a Tandem Unicycle

My last post introducing my Tandem Unicycle originally started out with a step-by-step process of how I built it, but for some reason I lost the post. Here is how I made my tandem uni:... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Tandem Unicycle

The Tandem Unicycle Project EDIT: Here are the tandem unicycle construction details for the makers out there. EDIT: A short video of me and Jason trying to ride it: riding the tandem uni. EDIT: For... [read more]

Custom machined cranks

I machined out one ounce out of each of my KH Moment 125/150mm cranks. I went with a big pocket, just like what I did for Joseph’s cranks. Hopefully they won’t break! I also tried... [read more]

One ounce removed off KH Moment cranks

Joseph Campbell came over last weekend to ride trials. He was mentioning how heavy the KH cranks are, so I told him we could quickly mill out some material. I took a deep pocket out... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Custom machined V-brake adapter for magura brake mounts

I made this on Saturday out of aluminum: a machined adapter that lets me attach a v-brake to magura brake mounts of my unicycle. The picture below (iPhone quality, sorry!) shows the first one, which... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Madagascar: Vast Open Space

..and my Louise on a unicycle! This was a “short” 20 mile ride that we did. Louise was wise, and turned around early and ended up doing about 10 miles. I went a lot further,... [read more]
Adventures, Photography, Unicycling

Ride the Lobster race pictures from Florian

I was checking out some pictures on Florian Schlumpf’s website, schlumpf.ch (creator of the two speed geared unicycle hub), and saw some old pictures from the Ride the Lobster unicycle race. I copied the ones... [read more]

Back to geared cokering!

My 36″ geared unicycle was out of commission for a while; the hubs bearings needed replacing, and the creator (Florian Schlumpf in Switzerland) now has an improved version. Today was the first real test ride... [read more]

KH36 Handlebar

My old handlebar on my coker wasn’t quite what I wanted, and I have been quite happy with the one I use on my 24″ mountain unicycle, so I decided to make a version for... [read more]

Avenue of Baobabs and Unicycles

These pictures complement the Mad Uni video when we rode from Morandava, Madagascar to the Ave of Baobabs. Louise by a tree:    Corbin – Louise took a much better picture than mine
Adventures, Unicycling

Madagascar Unicycling Pictures

We took a pirogue (a dugout canoe) from Isle aux Nattes (a tiny island, not even shown on google maps) to Isle Sainte-Marie, a larger island off the east coast of Madagascar. We then road... [read more]

Unicycling Video: Mad Uni

Mad Uni – Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar July 26th, 2009 Featuring: Corbin Dunn and Louise Lovelle MPEG-4, 45.3 MB, 1:17 duration. Also available is a medium version 18.4 MB. This is pretty much the only... [read more]

Brake assisted coasting

Brake assisted coasting is kind of cool. Especially when your feet are horizontal. Corbin, in Nairobi, Africa. A short clip of what I’m working on for my video of Africa.

Off to Africa for Unicycling

Today, Louise and I are heading out to Africa for a unicycle tour from Kenya to Tanzania. After that, we will be taking a trip to Madagascar for some more touring! I’ll be without my... [read more]

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