
Adding a disc brake to an older KH24 mountain unicycle

I have an older KH 24 mountain unicycle that doesn’t have the disc brake mount on it. During my Switzerland/Italy tour in the summer of 2012 I used a D-brake adapter (from unicycle.com) and KH... [read more]

Down a really steep hill

Tom Holub took this great picture from last weekend: It was soo steep that I almost thought twice about doing it.

Corbin V-36 + Motorcycle

Did a little motorcycle ride up to Folsom (past Sacramento, about 2.5 hours from my house), and rode my unicycle with a bunch of friends.

Corbin V36 – Painted

The frame, painted: All together, but with the seat angle too high:

Corbin V-36 mod 2

I finally got some more metal and time to work on my V36 unicycle frame. I removed a triangle support that I had added to try to reduce flex, and brazed on another tube that... [read more]

Corbin V-36

I’m working on a V-Frame 36’er unicycle, called the “Corbin V-36“. It’s partially an experiment to see how light I can make it, yet still be strong and not flex. I did a 3d model... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Photography: Uni up the pass

Uni up the pass, Switzerland 2012
Photography, Unicycling

Photography: San Francisco Unicycle Tour 2012

Nathan and Aaron in the Sun
Photography, Unicycling

Cyr Wheel Performance at Berkeley Juggling and Unicycle Festival

Here’s my act I made up. Thanks to Jay for filming it!
Circus/Cyr Wheel, Unicycling

Nathan’s Unicycle

Nathan’s Unicycle July 2012. Nathan’s yellow KH 36 geared unicycle. 7 exposure HDR.
Photography, Unicycling

Alps Unicyclists

There are three mad unicyclists on the mini-Swiss unicycle tour I’m doing. Me, Scott and Nathan Hoover. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good picture of Nathan yet, but here’s a few cool ones. Myself (Corbin)... [read more]
Photography, Unicycling

Handegg to Andermatt

Still unicycling! We rode from Handegg to Andermatt today. Only 32 miles but we went over Furka pass and Grimsel Pass; that was a bit of climbing! We were averaging like 5mph up the hills,... [read more]
Photography, Unicycling

Grindelwald to Handegg

Today we rode “only” 30 miles, but it was almost all uphill from Grindelwald to Handegg Switzerland. I didn’t bring the DSLR with me, since it was raining on and off. The start of the... [read more]
Photography, Unicycling

Grund Grindelwald Rest Day

On the Swiss Uni Tour today is a rest day, which meant hiking and photography! B&W Mountains July 5th 2012 – Grund (lower part) of Grindelwald, Switzerland. Black and White HDR from 5 exposures. We... [read more]
Photography, Unicycling

Grindelwald Sights

Grindelwald Sights July 5th 2012 – Grindelwald, Switzerland – Canon 5D Mark III I’m traveling through Switzerland via Unicycle. The “gang” doing this Swiss Uni Tour consists of myself, Nathan Hoover and Scott Wilton all... [read more]
Photography, Unicycling

CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) Unicycle

My friend Justin up in Vancouver brought this invention down for the Maker Faire a month or so ago. He custom made a frame and attached a CVT NuVinci hub to the unicycle. Awesome. Video... [read more]

Rob’s Ride, 10th Anniversary

Over 10 years ago my friend Rob started a 20 mile unicycle ride throughout Santa Cruz. It starts down by the beach Boardwalk, rides up to UCSC campus, does some mild off road trails through... [read more]

MUNI v2 (Mountain Unicycling Version 2.0)

Some old footage from a few years ago.

Unicycle Trials…Jetty @ Santa Cruz

Screen shot from Final Cut Pro of a video I’m working on. Some really old footage! But cool….

Unicycle Tour of San Francisco: John Foss

John Foss San Francisco, California. September 2011.
Photography, Unicycling

Recumbent at Burning Man

Rob Bowman got a cool picture of me on the recumbent unicycle. Thanks Rob!

Unicycle Tour of San Francisco 2011 part 2

My socks, standing on the wheel looking down: In front of Lombert St: Good picture for Sept 11th (the day of the unicycle ride): “Ride the Lobster” unicycle socks on Nathan: The whole gang: Rob:... [read more]

Unicycle Tour of San Francisco 2011

There was a small group of riders that did this years Unicycle Tour of San Francisco. Gary organized the ride and produced some awesome jerseys: …and also some energy bars! (UTSF = Unicycle Tour San... [read more]

Jim on the Golden Gate

Jim on the Golden Gate San Francisco, California. September 2011.
Photography, Unicycling

Photography: Aaron and Mike

Aaron and Mike September 11, 2011. San Francisco, California
Photography, Unicycling

Unicycle Criterium Race in Auburn, CA

Yesterday I drove a 6 hour round trip drive to do a unicycle criterium (crit) race in Auburn, CA. It was the first time I’ve had to pump gas in several months, but it was... [read more]

Purple KH 26 Unicycle

I recently spent some time powder coating some of my unicycles. Here’s my Kris Holm 26″ Mountain Unicycle with a Schlumpf geared hub, 2.3″ tire, and the KH handlebar: I powder coated the frame translucent... [read more]

Photography: Coker and Coke

Coker and Coke From the San Francisco Unicycle Tour, 2010
Photography, Unicycling

Vancouver Muni Weekend 2010

I had an awesome time at the “California” muni weekend, hosted in Vancouver, BC, Canada, by the VanUni unicycling club and dubbed the Vancouver Muni Weekend. It was announced via the Unicyclist forums. Here is... [read more]

Unicycle ride: Mr Toads and Hole in the Ground

Last weekend when my cat disappeared I was busy having fun doing some mountain unicycling. I might as well remember the good stuff. Saturday a group of us rode Mr Toads Wild Ride as a... [read more]
Logbook, Unicycling

Parking at West Cliff, Santa Cruz

Photography, Unicycling

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