
Video: How to Shift Gears on a Unicycle!

I have been riding a geared unicycle since around 2006 or 2007. At that time Schlumpf Innovations partnered with Kris Holm Unicycles to develop a shiftable geared unicycle hub. Florian Schlumpf already had a regular... [read more]

The Duality Unicycle Handle – Part 2 Strength

This is a continuation of the last post introducing the project. This project isn’t done (it isn’t strong enough), but feel free to play with things and download the files. I uploaded the latest STL,... [read more]

The Duality Unicycle Handle – Part 1

Last year I ventured into the world of 3D printing when one of my friends gave me an old Airwolf 3D printer. It required a lot of tinkering to get good prints, and I learned... [read more]

Professional Mountain Unicyclist – TV Commercial Work

I’ve been unicycling for a long time, and I recently heard about a casting call for a mountain unicyclist. I’ve done paid jobs as a circus artist, but they are mainly for doing cyr wheel... [read more]

Video: Rockville Hills MUNI – Crazy Mountain Unicycling on a 36″ wheel

Click through to watch the video.
Unicycling, Video

Video: Grand Canyon + UNICYCLE = Arizona Trail Adventure (Part 3)

Part 3 of our Arizona Trail unicycle adventure. This was some amazing scenery.

Video: The Arizona Trail was HARD on a Unicycle! (Part 2)

Part two of my Arizona Trail adventure!

Video: The Arizona Trail on Unicycle (Part 1)

My introductory video about the April 2017 adventure of riding the Arizona Trail on my unicycle.

Unicycling: Chupacabra Muni Video

Some footage of the Chupacabra trail in Santa Cruz.

Unipacking: Setting Up Your Unicycle for Unicycle Backpacking

The first in a series of videos on how do to unicycle backpacking: unipacking! This shows how I setup the unicycle with a standard off the shelf rack and some custom panniers.

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Complete Google Maps

Here are links to all the Google Maps for our Arizona Trail Unicycle adventure. Note that I started in Tucson to join my friends who got a 5 day head start. These were created by recording each day with Strava.

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 29, The Last Day

April 28, 2017 So, at this point, I had stopped writing daily notes in my iPhone, and it is now nearly a month later where my memory is already starting to fade. All the celebration... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 28, The Cold Cold Day

April 27, 2017 That’s two colds in the title, because it was really cold. One thing I didn’t mention about the prior day was the wind. The wind was constantly blowing, and it would usually... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 27, Welcome to the Snow

April 26, 2017 We weren’t sure who was going to have a harder day. Our three hiking friends, Lexi, Colin and Ashley, had to hike back out to the south rim of the Grand Canyon... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 26, Just 7 Miles of Hiking

April 25, 2017 The seven miles down may have been harder than this day’s seven miles of slightly uphill. My calves were still sore from the hike down, and the heavy backpack wasn’t helping. We... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 25, Unicycles Strapped to Our Backs

April 24, 2017 …Except Jamey, who opted to carry his unicycle on his shoulder! This was the day we had to figure out how to get our unicycles across the Grand Canyon without having them... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 24, The South Rim of the Grand Canyon

April 23, 2017 Ah, the south rim of the Grand Canyon! We didn’t want to miss our last chance at civilization so we first went to the coffee shop in town and grabbed something warm... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 23, The Throwing Knife

April 22, 2017 We could still see the San Francisco peaks in the southern distance and it was amazing that we were by them just a few days prior as they had shrunk to a... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 22, Chips

April 21, 2017 The wind had stopped during the night and we thankfully woke up to calmness. I had to shake a bunch of dust out of my tent and it made me reminisce of... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 21, Headwind, Sidewind and No Tailwind

April 20, 2017 Sleeping at high elevation in Arizona is cold. We decided to get up a bit later and enjoy the warmth of our sleeping bags and let the sun crest over the nearby... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 20, Hungover and Where’s My Chainsaw?

April 19, 2017 Not a fun day. My four beers and a few shots of Whiskey caught up with me. I’ve rarely gotten any sort of hangover as I’m pretty careful on how much I... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 19, Black Widows and Beer

April 18, 2017 The push to Flagstaff! We were highly motivated at to get to town. Our backpacks were now much lighter after having eaten almost 5 days worth of food and we were excited... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 18, You Didn’t See the Mountain?

April 17, 2017 Yesterday we were about 5 or 6 miles short of our riding goal, and on this day we were already planning on about 25 miles. So that meant 30+ miles all on... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 17, Three Glass Beer Bottles on Easter

April 16, 2017 Brr… another cold night. It is deceptive in the evenings as the warmer setting sun makes you think it might be a warm night. But camping at almost 7000′ in the high... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 16, Found Trash

 April 15, 2017 We did our morning routine and started early, about 7 or so. The day before had proved to be so difficult, and we had no idea what was in store for us.... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 15, Hike a Bike…I mean, Uni

April 14, 2017 A 20 mile hike would be hard for me. Throw in a heavy backpack and pushing a fully loaded unicycle and you have one tough day.  I woke up at my usual... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 14, It’s My Birthday

 April 13, 2017 Camping at the RV park in Payson was nice, but we had to get to our next destination, Pine, by 4PM before the post office closed in order to pick up resupply... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 13, The Welder

April 12, 2017 It was supposed to be an easy 10 miles or so from where we camped on the side of the dirt road to the next town of Payson that we had planned... [read more]

The Arizona Trail by Unicycle: Day 12, The Day of the Push

April 11, 2017 A 15 mile hike pushing a unicycle is hard work. Add on 5 miles of riding and it makes for one long day. The views and scenery should make up for it,... [read more]

The Arizona Trail by Unicycle: Day 11, Shade and Cracks

April 10, 2017 Yesterday was effectively a rest day. More accurately, it was a “drink beer and rest day” while waiting for the Visitor Center to open.  We packed up a little late because the... [read more]

The Arizona Trail on Unicycle: Day 10: The Unexpected Rest Day

April 9, 2017 We got up and rode (I mean, walked…) the mile from the lake back to the dirt road and started continuing along the bypass. All the loud people from the night before... [read more]

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