

Tree Habitat (another treehouse!)

One of my friend’s, Dan, built a treehouse. He put some pictures up on a website: Be sure to check them out! I went over one day and gave him a helping hand one... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Barbara Butler’s Treehouses and Play Structures

Barbara Butler, who has some great treehouses and play structures that have appeared in several treehouse books, has a great website: She offers both pre designed wooden play houses and 2-story play sets, as... [read more]
General, Nature, Treehouses

Wabi – Sabi Treehouse Vacation Rental in Maui, Hawaii!

Cool! If you are vacationing in Maui and want to stay in a treehouse check out the Wabi – Sabi Treehouse. 400 square feet of tree pleasure built by an Austrian craftsman. Check out their... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Treehouse links

I need to add some treehouse links. For now, I’ll just blog-em: — not really a treehouse, but neat. — some treehouse builders in the UK. They have a neat site started. –corbin
General, Treehouses

Discovery HD — Weird Homes

Hi All, Someone just emailed me saying they saw the episode of “Weird Homes” with me in it. It appears to be airing right now! Discovery HD Theater channel. here’s info: Cool, huh! I’m... [read more]
General, Treehouses

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