

Honduras Pictures

Some pictures from Honduras, hosted on Flickr (one of too many photo sharing sites that I use) HDR picture of the dock in Roatan, Honduras. This picture makes you think. You want to turn your... [read more]

Iphone art

Some crafty iPhone art. Taken quite a while ago and not altered.

A few good pictures From the UCSC Arboretum, taken yesterday. An HDR shot of a bee; the image was generated from a single RAW exposure, mainly to increase some details that you couldn’t see with the original photograph.... [read more]
Nature, Photography

70-200mm canon lens

I got a nice new lens a few weeks ago. It takes GREAT pictures. Here’s some examples from a few days ago: Bottlenose brush in the front of our house. Cactus flower at the Santa... [read more]
Nature, Photography

Favorite Pictures

I’ve always liked this picture. I’m not sure what type of plant it is. I took this picture while on a hike in Switzerland back in 2000.
General, Photography

Some of my favorite photographs…

Here is one of the first pictures I took when I got my Cannon. Me in a fuzzy guitar.
General, Photography


Sunset from my dad’s house:
General, Nature, Photography

Big Sur

I went to big sur last weekend, with my friend Chris Bensen and some of his friends. Check out the pictures. I really enjoy marco photography.
General, Photography

Proteas. Macro Photography.

Today, I went to the UCSC Arboretum with Chris Bensen and took some great pictures in between some pouring rain downfalls. I used my 100mm macro lens, and I got a few good shots. Take... [read more]
General, Photography

Photography: Great tree pictures from Castle Rock

Last weekend, I took a trip up to Castle Rock state park. It is a popular climbing destination, and there is some gorgeous scenery. I went by myself, and brought my camera along with my... [read more]
General, Nature, Photography

Barbara Butler’s Treehouses and Play Structures

Barbara Butler, who has some great treehouses and play structures that have appeared in several treehouse books, has a great website: She offers both pre designed wooden play houses and 2-story play sets, as... [read more]
General, Nature, Treehouses

Rock Climbing in Red Rocks, Nevada

For the past few days on my holiday break, I went and did some climbing at Red Rocks, Nevada with a few friends (Jason, Sara, and Ellie). It was a blast! I really love rock... [read more]
Climbing, General, Nature, Photography

A great artist and Photoshop drawing tips

Olduvai George has a great artistic blog. In his latest post, he goes over some of the finer details of using photoshop to create some of his artwork. Wonderful! Take a gander at it over... [read more]
General, Nature

Mountain Unicycling – Pro photographer pictures

Daniel Peak, a photographer, took some pictures of me riding my mountain unicycle in Los Gatos a while ago. Visit his website at:, and on the editorial page you can see the picture he... [read more]
General, Photography, Unicycling

Macro lens work in Spain

My macro lens is very cool. Here is a picture of a ceiling at some outdoor plaza area in Seville, Spain: The ceiling was some 40 feet (or so it seemed) away from me, yet... [read more]
General, Photography

Wild parrots of Spain!

While walking along the street in Barcelona, I saw something that astonished me. A flock of “wild” parrots in Barcelona! I really like nature, and I really like birds, so it was cool to see... [read more]
General, Nature

I must be obsessed with my camera

Here is one more picture. Okay, maybe two. “Wine Bottle Study” Shutter: 1/1. Aperture: f 13.0. Focal Length: 100mm. ISO: 1600. Flash: off. Aperture Priority. Shutter: 1/60. Aperture: f 4.0. Focal Length: 100mm. ISO: 1600.... [read more]
General, Photography

Macro lens

I got a macro lens. It is great, and I love it! Here is my favorite picture so far: Can you guess why?
General, Photography


I like flowers. They represent something very beautiful, and serenity.
General, Nature, Photography

A few pictures

A few pictures from last weekend are here. I need to fix my gallery so the others show up…stupid ImageMagic is failing to resize them!
General, Photography, Unicycling

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