

Elephant’s Dream

How cool! An open movie made with open source graphics software. Check it out: Elephents Dream Download page.

UCSB Unicycling

YouTube: some of my buddies down souther. Or visit:

New York

I went to New York last weekend to visit Louise. It was a lot of fun! Some of the things I did: * Saw a cool comedy show * Went to the gugenheim museum and... [read more]

Bodies Exhibit

I saw the Bodies Exhibition last weekend while in New York. Real bodies, dissected and preserved really well. Crazy stuff!

Old muni pictures from Robert

Turn your head sideways ;)
General, Unicycling

Muddy Coker Muni ride from April 2nd

Hi all, Nathan put up some pictures on his website of a Coker ride we did in Santa Cruz a few weeks ago. Nathan Hoover photo galleries – powered by smugmug.
General, Unicycling

Cocoa: modal NSColorPanel dialog.

Hi all, I’ve seen some people request how to do a modal color panel. Well, carbon has GetColor(..) which ultimately uses the same NSColorPanel. So, you can set it to begin a modal session before... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Hi there…I’m poison oak!

I thought this was funny: we saw this while in big sur last weekend.

Moab Mountain Unicycle Festival

Some pictures of me at the Moab Mountain Unicycle Festival a few weeks ago. (Moab Muni Fest). From Jess: From spencer’s mom. Moab videos (not of me, but I was there):... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Big Sur

I went to big sur last weekend, with my friend Chris Bensen and some of his friends. Check out the pictures. I really enjoy marco photography.
General, Photography

Mountain Unicycle pictures from Rockville Hills Park

Last Saturday, I went and did some really killer mountain unicycling with a great bunch of people. Tom took a lot of good pictures and put them up here: Check them out! I’m the... [read more]
General, Unicycling

I want one of these..

I’ve always liked planes, and the next time I have a spare $1.3 mil hanging around, I’m going to get one! gizmag Article: Eclipse Aviation begins production of its landmark Very Light Jet (VLJ)

Tree Habitat (another treehouse!)

One of my friend’s, Dan, built a treehouse. He put some pictures up on a website: Be sure to check them out! I went over one day and gave him a helping hand one... [read more]
General, Treehouses

[NSColorPanel isContinuous] and [NSColorWell isContinuous]

A quick comment about these two properties: [NSColorPanel isContinuous] and [NSColorWell isContinuous]. Generally, you want these two things to be in sync. Whenever the color changes in the NSColorPanel, the color in the NSColorWell will... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Xcode shortcuts to finding a file.

Cocoa Developers: While programming with Xcode, I’ve developed several habits to make me a faster programmer. I’ll share these tidbits with you. 1. Use Cmd-Shift-D to quickly open files that you know the names to.... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Happy Tree Friends

One of my favorite video podcasts is Happy Tree Friends. They are a rather sick and twisted cartoon, but entertaining. Subscribe for your self.

Burning Man 2006

Today I got my burning man 2006 ticket. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to go for sure. Probably, as it was a lot of fun last year.
General, Other Stuff

How to build a treehouse

I like treehouses, if you haven’t guessed. I found this great step-by-step page on how to build a treehouse: Treehouse – on instructables. In general, Instructables: step-by-step collaboration, is a great website. Very cool. For... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Box # 5…

I finished box #5 a few days ago (for Stephanie). It turned out really nice! It is made of redwood with pine keys. This is the first thing I made with my new table saw... [read more]
General, Woodworking

new table saw!

I really needed to upgrade my table saw, and a few days ago I got my order in from a nice new grizzly 10“ table saw. I got this one:
General, Woodworking

Mailboxes muni ride — a few pictures

Tom took a few pictures from our mountain unicycle ride last weekend, Mailboxes, in santa cruz. check them out here.
General, Unicycling

Woodworking: Box #4

Well, I finished box 4 a few days ago. It is pretty nice! Some of the pictures are now on my pictures page: Corbin’s Pictures – Box #4. I used redwood; again it was from... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Cocoa: NSArrayController and two tableview’s

Hi Cocoa Developers, Tip of the day: Don’t bind two NSTableView’s to a single NSArrayController instance. Bugs will happen! More specifically, attempting to multi-select rows will not work properly — the two tableviews will fight... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Cocoa: Targeting the entire tableview in a drop operation

Hi Programmers. If you are doing drag and drop in an NSTableView with Cocoa, you can use the following method in your “validateDrop” datasource method to retarget the row it is going to: – (void)setDropRow:(int)row... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Cocoa: drop down menu buttons

In Cocoa, it is pretty easy to use an NSButton that creates a drop down menu. One of the key-tricks to making it appear to be an NSPopUpButton is to set the [NSCell sendActionOn:]. Generally,... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Uniplex: Episode 2

Uniplex Episode 2 is out! Download the w4v file and play it with QuickTime 7 or subscribe to the podcast in iTunes. This episode has Trevor Blackwell and his self-balancing electric unicycle. Plus, some interviews... [read more]
General, Unicycling

One year at Apple.

Today is my one year anniversary at Apple! Apple is a great company, and I have been having a great time working on the AppKit framework and I’m looking forward to all the cool new... [read more]
Apple, General

Woodworking: Box #3

Today, I finished box #3. It is a simple box, with a slight pyramid shape. The edges slant upwards at a 5 degree angle. It is made of redwood (home depot junk redwood!) that I... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Proteas. Macro Photography.

Today, I went to the UCSC Arboretum with Chris Bensen and took some great pictures in between some pouring rain downfalls. I used my 100mm macro lens, and I got a few good shots. Take... [read more]
General, Photography

Tango lessons!

On last Tuesday night, I took my first tango lesson. It is really cool! Check out Steppin’ Out Productions.
General, Other Stuff

synergy on Intel MacOS X

Hi All. I use synergy to share my keyboard/mouse on my computers. I recompiled the server for Intel MacOS. Feel free to grab it and use it: It is an Intel ONLY binary. It... [read more]
Apple, General

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