

LED Notes / LED Cyr Wheel v2

I’m investigating LEDs for another LED cyr wheel (v2). Here is my first LED Cyr wheel and a video. I figure I’ll just make my notes on my blog for others to benefit. Goals: Individually... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel, General


I’m investigating adhesives, and ways I can bond the plastic PVC tubing on cyr wheels back together. I want to cut the plastic tubing, and embed LEDs under it for some cool effects. For my... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel, General

Oil pan fixed on my Harley

I have an old Harley, and it has leaked oil for quite a while. I finally decided to do some maintenance on the old bike and took off the oil pan and stripped the paint... [read more]

Tree Climbing


Top Search Terms for my Blog

Lots of people search for treehouse, followed by cyr wheel / roue cyr! People are in particular interested in making these things themselves.

EV Page of Shame: Post 1

Welcome to the EV Page of Shame! The first victim. This little lovely neighborhood EV was parked in the decided EV spots in the downtown Santa Cruz parking garage. But it was not charging! Shame... [read more]
Electric Bug, General

Old times…

For about 7 years I drove a 1967 Ford Mustang around. I miss that car! It would have been a cool conversion to electric. I just scanned some old pictures I came across and thought... [read more]

Poetry – Rushing Kiss

Rushing Kiss – October, 2011. by neeb (aka corbin). whispers breathe from bounding lips, sound flows across and slowly drips, ears hear as it pours on in, gasping, for the air feels thin, heart blooms... [read more]


So, that ad on the right side of my website…how much does it get me? Well, not much. In the years I’ve been running it, I’ve received one check for $100 (hey, that’s better than... [read more]

New blog layout

I got tired of the old layout. It was a few years old: The new version has a graphic on top and a lighter gray themed layout:

Plasma Cutter

I got a new tool a few weeks ago. A plasma cutter! After doing some research, I went with a Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 52. It is awesome! I also had to get a new air... [read more]
General, Machining

old poetry (part 3)

I’m not sure when I wrote this. Yes, I do make up words! ———————————————————————— wandering through a vast void of black, a small light appears to bring me back, turns from night to dawn to... [read more]

old poetry

I’ve always been fascinated with poetry. I generally write poetry for specific people. Here’s some of my older work; you can deduce who it was for by the year and month (if you know me... [read more]

Garden 2011

In this year’s garden I planted a bunch of stuff. It was going great this year, since I installed a drip system. Unfortunately while I was at burning man, the deer discovered how to hop... [read more]

Burning Man (part 2)

Some more stuff! I forgot I had a few pictures on my iPhone. The temple burn: This was really cool. The temple was this massive fire, and the updraft would carry about 2’x2′ pieces of... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel, General

Burning Man 2011

I hadn’t been to Burning Man in 5 years or so and really wanted to go back. Previously, I would camp with Pancake Playhouse (which was a total blast), but this year I thought I... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel, General

Indoor Boys

My friend Anita recently did an interview of me for her magazine type website called indoor boys. It’s apparently all about smart and sexy boys. Now I always have been a bit above average on... [read more]

Political Email Scams Against Obama

Obama hate-mail has been scouring the internet for years. People frequently resend emails that they simply don’t understand. My dad sent me one with the title “After two years of Obama—here’s your change!!!”. Here’s an... [read more]

Zip Line Information

I’ve had a few questions on where I got my zip line stuff. Here’s what I got: 1. Petzl Tandem Speed Pulley 30113 – $ 79.95 from, free shipping. 2. From I ordered... [read more]

Missing Siamese Cat

Please help! My cat Piper is missing. She is a siamese, with white snowshoe paws. She is a polydactyl (extra toes) and is fixed. She comes to the name Piper (when she feels like it).... [read more]

Website statistics

It’s always geeky and interesting to see web stats for a site. Mine gets ~80 to ~100 visits on a normal day. The article spiked that up to 30,000 visits in one day. From... [read more]

Blue Tree Software is now closed

Blue Tree Software, my shareware “company” that I have had for many many years is now closed. If you visited you will be redirected to I plan on releasing my flagship product, WallChanger,... [read more]

Blog moved..

I recently moved my blog and website from one server to another (hopefully better, where I have less downtime, and no data loss!). My Pictures gallery is down, but let me know of anything that... [read more]

Comments currently broken

Comments are currently broken. I need to fix them. I know about the problem..I just have to figure it out. Sorry, and thanks!

Madagascar: Girl Leaning on Pole


Greening my wedding

I want to cut down on the environmental impact for our wedding. So, I ordered biodegradable plates, cups and silverware from– I’ll find out how long they really take to biodegrade as I plan... [read more]

Save a tree

I don’t like the idea of killing a tree every year just so we can stick it in our house and put presents under it, so I convinced louise to let us get a live... [read more]

Diving, Roatan island, Honduras

Louise and I went with Ken, Gabrielle, Mark and Michelle to Honduras to do some diving. We are staying at the Luna Beach resort and have done two days of diving so far. Today was... [read more]

San francisco uni ride

Right now! 40 miles

Barack Obama on twitter

What’s even cooler is that he’s following me now: —– I’m sure it is an auto-added thing, but still, cool :) He’s got my vote!

WordPress for iphone

… Woot! Simple blogging from my iphone 3g. How about this lamp I saw last week? Louise said NO.

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