
Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 8 – Gluing the top on

The next big step in the kayak was to glue the top on. First you put a coat of unthickened epoxy on the bottom side of the top piece, and then use thickened (cab-o-sil) epoxy... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Chesapeake 16 LT Kayak: Part 7: Planing the end clamps

The next step in my kayak building journey was to plane the end clamps. These need a specific radius that changes depending on where you are along the top of the boat. The kit includes... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 6 – The bottom side glassing!

The next big step is to glass the hull bottom. I sanded down the putty with 80 grit, and then went through all the grades all over the kayak: 100/120/150/220.   You then cover it with... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 5 – The bottom side

The kayak is still moving along! I’ve been a bit busy enjoying the outdoors: mountain biking (yeah on two wheels!), camping, and rock climbing.  The next part was to glass the interior middle section; there... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 4 – Leveling and Gluing Together

The kayak is starting to look like a real boat! First you have to level it, propped up on some sticks/sawhorses:   Then install the bulkheads:      And finally, start gluing it together with... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 3 – Stitching

I got to the stitching part of the “stitch and glue” kayak build! It didn’t take very long….the kit was easy to work with.  I had to push my tablesaw off to the side to... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 2 – Setup and Gluing

The kit came about a week after I ordered it. The delivery company received it in SFO, and was reluctant to deliver it to me right away — they wanted to wait an extra week... [read more]
General, Woodworking

Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 1 – Choices

I’ve been wanting to build my own kayak for quite a while. Ideally I want to make a strip-style kayak; something out of locally sourced redwood would be awesome! For now, I decided to start... [read more]
General, Woodworking

I hate broken stuff

Exhibit one: A pot that was my parents. The plastic handle broke of years ago and I hacked on a wooden one. It wasn’t lasting….   Cross grain experiment was not strong, so I drew... [read more]

Photography: Baby Rhino

What could be more adorable than a baby rhino? This was in Kaziranga National Park, north east India in 2014.

Videography with the Canon 5D Mark III

I want to record some video with my Canon 5D Mark III. I’ve done some basic experiments, but I really want to learn what the professionals do with this camera. First off, I upgraded to... [read more]

Corbin’s Treehouse on Facebook

I’ve succumbed to the pressures of social media and made a Facebook page:      Please like it! I’ll post things on my blog and the page..

Adafruit Bluetooth LE SPI “Friend” with data loss and stalls (infinite loops)

I’m working on adding bluetooth support to my LED cyr wheel.  A long time ago I picked up an Adafruit nRF8001 breakout board — I was worried it was too big to fit in my wheel,... [read more]

Hacking duolingo to make flashcards with sounds using Anki

Use Anki to learn a language with sound enabled flashcards. 0. Buy a Mac if you don’t have one already 1. In Safari’s Preferences, turn on the Develop menu item (Advanced tab) 2. Visit duolingo,... [read more]

On learning languages…

I’m working on learning Italian. When I was a kid, I hated learning languages, and had the terrible monopolistic language view that everyone should speak English. I have long since realized that was a really... [read more]

How to make a custom bee hive stand

I’ve been keeping bees for about a month now. I absolutely love the little girls! My friend, Stefan from A Jar Of Honey in San Jose, gave me a hive to get started. I needed... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Nepal Unicycle Tour: Relaxing

Here is another fantastic picture of my Nepal trip by Dawa Sherpa from Himalayan Trails Adventure Travel.  I’m sitting admiring the mountains, while Michele is checking something out. Our other local guide, Ankit, is looking... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Nepal Unicycle Tour

Photo by Dawa Sherpa, the wonderful guide on my Nepal Unicycle Tour through the Himalayas.  
General, Unicycling

How much money does my YouTube channel pull in?

I’ve wondered why my YouTube payments never show up in my Google Adsense payments. I finally realized that it is because they have never hit the $100 minimum threshold for payment issuing (ever!). I enabled... [read more]

Downloading WordPress Content – “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds” error

I occasionally want to download all my blog posts from WordPress. This is easy to do in the web config – go to Tools -> Export and “Download Export File”. The download would max out... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Portable solar panels

I do a lot of adventures. My last adventure was unicycling the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. I wasn’t planning on having a lot of access to electricity, so I wanted to get a portable solar... [read more]

Repairing a “Stuck Brush” error on Neato XV-11 Vacuum

May 2018 Update: Issues with the latest Botvac: I have a Neato XV-11 Vacuum that I bought quite a few years ago when it first came out. The initial version had quite a few glitches and... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Website statistics

Here are my website statistics: I just ran across SeeTheStats — a site that imports Google Analytics data and turns it into some cool graphs that anyone can see. I’m hoping to slowly grow... [read more]

Facebook promotes stealing other people’s content

I’ve had the unfortunate affair of several people stealing one of my videos to gain hits on their Facebook pages. It is this video: LED Cyr Wheel v2 – Initial Test, that I uploaded to... [read more]

Grainger, shame on you for bad packaging!

I ordered a small switch from Grainger and it came in a huge box: What a waste of packaging!! Shame on you guys. Please don’t overpack; it is wasteful.

WildFire v3 Arduino compatible Wifi enabled board

Wicked Device is making a cool little Arduino clone called the WildFire. Why is it cool? Because it includes the CC3000 Wifi chip built in, an SD card slot, and the ATmega1284p processor – which... [read more]

EV Page of Shame: Drax in a Lexus at the Aria Hotel in Vegas

UPDATE: Thank you Aria hotel! They are going to update their signage and start towing offenders. I just talked with someone from the security team and they are on top of this. They are also... [read more]

Adafruit CC3000 + Webduino = Arduino Web Server over Wifi

Adafruit has a CC3000 breakpoint board for $35 on their site. Rather expensive, considering the chip should be $10, but it adds some nice features and they wrote a library for it. Cut to the... [read more]

LED Cyr Wheel v2: Custom PCB

I finished designing a custom PCB for my LED cyr wheel. It simply combines all the chips I use into one board. Ideally I would eliminate all of the other boards except the Teensy, but... [read more]

SD Card errors with Arduino / Teensy 3.0

With my LED cyr wheel I kept getting random errors in reading data from my SD card with Ardunio code. Sometimes init would fail, even at half speed. Most often I would get corrupted data,... [read more]
Coding, General

Uploading Sketchup (skp) files into WordPress

So, I want to use Ecto (and probably other blog tools, like MarsEdit) to upload Sketchup .skp files, but it was always giving “invalid file type”. I poked around in WordPress, and here is what... [read more]

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