

My Louisie is gone…

She moved to Spain! I’m going to miss Louise…

Yet another way to make connections in Interface Builder (IB)

Some of IB’s features aren’t readily apparent. Most people know about the mode to switch from icon to text by clicking the icon in the lower right hand section seen in this image: But, when... [read more]
Cocoa, General

Tiger and the dictionary is a keyboard shortcut away

A really cool “hidden” Tiger feature is the ability to quickly see the dictionary for (almost) any word in a Cocoa app. Move the cursor over a word, and press cmd-ctrl-d. You will see the... [read more]
Apple, General

Treehouse links

I need to add some treehouse links. For now, I’ll just blog-em: — not really a treehouse, but neat. — some treehouse builders in the UK. They have a neat site started. –corbin
General, Treehouses

Mountain unicycling at Northstar, Tahoe, CA

Hi All, Yesterday I did some muni at northstar. Here are a few pictures: My highlight of the adventure was making down a double black diamond called “STD”. Lloyd got it on film..i’ll have... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Safari Shortcuts

Poking around in Safari’s Contents/Resources folder reveals an HTML page describing the shortcuts: file:///Applications/ Enjoy!
Apple, General

Wheel walking

I’ve been working a lot on wheel walking lately: (Photo by Nathan Hoover)
General, Unicycling

Mountain Unicycling — Soquel Demonstration Forest

Yesterday, me and a bunch of others went mountain unicycling in the Soquel Demonstration Forest. Nick, Tom H., Scot, Nathan Hoover, Beau Hoover, Colin, Mike Scalisi and myself. Here are my pictures. It was a... [read more]
General, Unicycling

San Francisco Unicycle Tour – more pictures!

Gary has posted a bunch of pictures on his smugmug account. Here are some of the ones of me: Riding up a hill. Riding on the edge. Rob telling me where we went. I swear.... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Monty Python and the Holy Grail — Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In

Tonight, I’m going to the Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In to see: Monty Python and the Holy Grail An incredibly silly film of great humor, brilliant design and epic insanity.  Perhaps the most original comedy –... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

San Francisco Unicycle Tour

Last Sunday, I did a 40+ mile tour of San Francisco with 12 other unicyclists (Rob, Nick, Beau, Nathan, Scot, Bronson, Daniel, Mark Massie, Geoff, John Foss, and of course, the birthday boy, Gary). It... [read more]
General, Unicycling

.htaccess files…?

does anyone know how to really setup .htaccess files for forwarding? I can’t seem to get it to work :(
General, Other Stuff

Testing (I moved my blog!)

I moved my blog from horrible MoveableType to WordPress

Flicker account…

I now have a flicker account. It can be found here. More of corbin_dunn’s photos
General, Other Stuff

Burning man pictures and stuff

I went to burning man last week. It was really cool! Here are a few pictures I borrowed from some of my fellow “Pancake Playhouse” buddies: -corbin
General, Other Stuff

More mountain unicycling pictures.

John has some pictures of our trip to Downieville: smugmug – John Foss : Downieville, July 17, 2005. I’m the guy not wearing a shirt with a blue helmet.
General, Unicycling

Some Mountain Unicycling (muni) and Trials pictures

John Foss put some pictures he took of me on his smugmug site: Hurt arm – I hugged a tree. (from riding in Auburn) Doing Trials riding (at Jess’s house):
General, Unicycling

Sharing your mouse, keyboard and pasteboard with several Macs (or PC's)

Like many people, I have several computers at work that I frequently switch among: I recently started using Synergy to share my mouse, keyboard and pasteboard among my main work G5 and my home Powerbook.... [read more]

Leopards Etc

Last weekend at Ken Adelman’s house, I got to see five of the gorgeous cats from Leopards, Etc. It was really really really cool! I like wild cats, and it was great to see them... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Using Xcode to become a faster programmer

You can utilize some of Xcode’s cool features to become a faster Mac OS X programmer. Here are some things which you may not know: 1. Use Code Completion (Code Sense). However, the default keyboard... [read more]
Apple, General

Cmd – click. The subtle secret of Mac OS X.

It seems that a lot of people don’t know how cmd click works in a lot of Mac OS X Cocoa applications. To put it simply, Cmd-clicking on a non key window (or application for... [read more]
Cocoa, General

Drag and Drop in an NSTableView

Drag and Drop in an NSTableView is easy to do. However, I think the documentation (Table Views: Using Drag and Drop in Tables) for it isn’t particularly great. It misses a few points, so I’m... [read more]
Cocoa, General

Dynamically populating an NSPopUpButtonCell in an NSTableView

It is quite common. You have a PopUpButton (NSPopUpButtonCell) in an NSTableView and you want to dynamically change the contents based on the selected row: How do you do this? There are a few tricky... [read more]
Cocoa, General

Delphi easter eggs

I can’t believe people found out about the Kitchen sink! I did write that silly easter egg.
General, Other Stuff

Discovery HD — Weird Homes

Hi All, Someone just emailed me saying they saw the episode of “Weird Homes” with me in it. It appears to be airing right now! Discovery HD Theater channel. here’s info: Cool, huh! I’m... [read more]
General, Treehouses

Different cells on each row in an NSTableView or NSOutlineView

Some people have asked me how to dynamically change the cell that is displayed for each row in an NSTableView or NSOutlineView. Generally, the same cell is used for each row, but it is possible... [read more]
Cocoa, General

Fixing the annoying focus stealing habit of Safari RSS feeds

Safari RSS support is way cool. Except for the fact that after a page has loaded, the search field receives focus, causing the space bar to not scroll down a page at a time. I... [read more]
Apple, General

Debugging OCTest bundles

Another old article: June 20, 2005 Debugging OCTest bundles To debug OCTest bundles: 1. Add a new executable to your Xcode project pointing it to “otest” at /Developer/Tools/otest 2. Double click on the executable, and... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Repost: How to find memory leaks in Cocoa apps with Object Alloc

(The original of this I accidentally killed — here is a copy). If your Cocoa application leaks memory, here is a way to find those leaks! 1) Open your application in Object Alloc 2) Start... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

Changing the disclosure triangle in an NSOutlineView

At WWDC I was asked how to remove the disclosure triangle in an NSOutlineView. Well, first things first. You can change it with this bit of code in your delegate: - (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)ov willDisplayOutlineCell:(NSButtonCell *)cell... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, General

rail unicycle riding at East Cliff Rd, Santa Cruz, CA (aka: ‘the hook’)

I did some cool rail riding last weekend: Here’s a snapshot: I am actually right above the cliff. Check out the other pictures. Cool, huh! This is what I do in my spare time.... [read more]
General, Unicycling

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