DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: Upstairs built-in dressers

The built-in dressers are coming along. Here’s the first set in front of the bathroom. Louise picked the color.
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: Upstairs Built-ins

Here’s the big pile of maple and poplar that I got for the project: Building the face frame was super fast and easy to do with pocket jointery:
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Project Hutchinson: Tablesaw outfeed table

I wanted to start work on my built in dressers for the upstairs, but first I needed an out feed table for the tablesaw. I wanted something that doubled as a work space, and added... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

The next big project…

….built-in “knee wall” dressers for the upstairs! Here’s a couple of pictures from SketchUp. I will give anyone the models, if they are interested in seeing how I designed them. I purchased a bunch of... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Project Hutchinson: Upstairs drywall and windows

I’ve been working quite a bit on our upstairs remodel project. I removed an old closet, and installed lighting in the ceiling. This helps tremendously with the look and feel of the room; it was... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Installing windows again!

No not 3.1 or Xp.
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Huchinson is alive again!

I’m back to working on my eternal house project. I finished the baseboards for the downstairs, so now it is time to tackle the upstairs. The upstairs is really rough. First off, there are these... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: baseboards

Baseboards are nearly done! Project hutchinson moves one step closer to being done. iPhone pics:
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: Stained deck! (well, some of it)

Louise and I stained a lot of the deck last weekend. I did most all the railings on Saturday/Sunday, and on Sunday afternoon we did the planks together (I sprayed while she brushed). Looks GREAT!... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: more work on the deck, and wiring.

The deck has a railing!: Last night I spent a bunch of time scrubbing it to get the redwood tannin marks off (the black marks). You can see it is still a little wet. I... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: More deck pictures…

I added some more pictures to my Deck album: It is really coming along!
DIY Home Remodeling

Project hutchinson

Don’t forget the stairs!
DIY Home Remodeling

Project Hutchinson: the deck continues…

Project Hutchinson continues! The deck is slowly coming along, at great expense. Here you can see some of the main beams: Here’s some of the wood to be used: A little of the underground work:... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Beautiful new table

Well, not new, but an antique that we got from Louise’s mom and step-dad, bill: Looks great! (Thanks JD and Bill)
DIY Home Remodeling

Fish Tank!

Project Hutchinson now has a beautiful fish tank. Actually, it has had it for several weeks, but I have been too busy to post a picture. This is a wonderful 150’ish gallon tank that I... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General


Well, we finally got some carpet put in, and it has been great! Take a look on picasa: Hutchinson – before and after carpet
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: hardwood floors

Floors are coming! Installation is all done, and now they are going to let it sit and acclimate for two weeks before sanding and finishing. We went with the 3/4“ x 3” solid brazillian cherry... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: More progress comes along..

Well! Here’s more work. Louise painted the side of the fireplace red. I made some side wood panels to make it look nice: The edge is going to be covered up with a wood corner:... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: Window sills!

We now have nice window sills. I made them out of a long piece of Douglas fir that I got from Southern Lumber in San Jose. All the wood was expensive, but it looks great.... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: Septic trouble

Well! Louise and I were unable to use the water in our house for about two weeks. We had trouble with the septic tank; it was backing up somewhere from the cleanout by the house... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: Painting!

Well, now that we have drywall, it is time to paint! Louise has been doing most of the work, since my “christmas vacation” actually involved working on stuff at apple. She has been doing a... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: Drywall!

Well! We’ve had a lot of progress on the house. I broke down and decided to pay someone to do some of the work, and a few weeks ago we had drywall installed and textured.... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: The tiles. The doors. The windows. Still to come: More work.

We got all the tiles up! here are some of the last of em: I’ve been having working on finishing our new doors. We bought three Simpson brand doors from San Lorenzo Lumber, in Santa... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson. Progress…

I posted a series of more photos on picasa. Hutchinson Progress 2
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson: Driveway.

Project Hutchinson has moved forward. I now have a driveway! Check out all the pictures. Here you can see the driveway, along with the wall that Louise and I built. here’s another picture of the... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Project Hutchinson

Well! My latest project has been working on my new house. Well, it isn’t new, and that’s why I need to work on it! It is a major fixer-upper, in the Los Gatos mountains, located... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General, Other Stuff

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