
Red Rocks climbing

Did some climbing in Red Rocks, Nevada last weekend. This is more of a record and reminder for myself. Last time I was there was in 2005 back when I was a strong 5.11 climber.... [read more]

Two Wheels in, Four Wheels out

Last weekend was an adventure in Tuolumne Meadows (by Yosemite, Ca, for those not around the area). It started out Thursday night; I saw the midnight showing of the final Harry Potter with a bunch... [read more]

Yosemite rock climbing

Jason and I did a little climbing last weekend. We drove up to Yosemite on Friday night, camped outside the park at Hard n Flat road, and then drove in early saturday morning to secure... [read more]

Tenaya Peak, Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite, CA.

Last weekend, Jason, Louise and I climbed Tenaya Peak in Yosemite. More details later. It was SOO MUCH FUN!
Climbing, General

Rock Climbing in Red Rocks, Nevada

For the past few days on my holiday break, I went and did some climbing at Red Rocks, Nevada with a few friends (Jason, Sara, and Ellie). It was a blast! I really love rock... [read more]
Climbing, General, Nature, Photography

For the climber in your life…

…there is the “Climbing Light”: Very cool! it makes me want one :) Technorati Tags: Climbing, Outdoors
Climbing, General

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