
Burning Man 2023 Art Bike Project

Video link: Burning Man 2023 Art Bike. This is my art bike project that I created for this year’s Burning Man! If you haven’t heard of Burning Man, it is a week long participant run... [read more]
Adventures, Video

Weehoo Bike Trailer Review – Is it Good For Single Track Mountain Biking?

Long story short: It is terrible for off-road and single track. Don’t buy it if that is your goal. It is fine for smooth trails without a lot of curves, and road riding. Long story:... [read more]

The Wind Can Sneak Up On You

Yesterday my friend Emmett came out on the sailboat with me to get the crab traps. There wasn’t a lick of wind, but it is always fun to be out in the ocean. The swell... [read more]
Adventures, Sailing

Adventures of Corbin: (Almost) Stranded at Sea

Yesterday, I took the sailboat out to pick up my crab traps. There was a calm between the California downpours at Moss Landing but I could see the rains falling in nearby Monterey. I braved... [read more]
Adventures, Sailing

Redwood Monkey Brewing: Orangutan IPA – West Coast IPA Recipe

Orangutan IPA by Redwood Monkey Brewing West Coast IPA All Grain Recipe This is an awesome beer and I want to share it with everyone! It is my take on a classic West Coast IPA,... [read more]

Video: How I Brew Beer in My Garage

Check out this video of us brewing beer in my garage.
Adventures, General, Video

Adventures in Solo Camping: Desolation Wilderness, Lake Tahoe

I got really excited about an upcoming backpacking trip in Desolation Wilderness with Costanza and some friends, and decided to jump the gun and do a solo trip by myself a bit earlier. I drove... [read more]

Madagascar: HDR Town

HDR Town, Madagascar A cool picture, in that it looks like a mini-model. f/22, Canon digital Rebal, ISO 200, 3 shots HDR, 17.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Chameleons at Night

Chameleons at Night While in Madagascar Louise and I did two guided night walks. It was quite amazing, as you could shine the flashlight in the trees and chameleons would show up bright white. They... [read more]
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: KH24 on Isle Saint Marie

While in Madagascar Louise and I did a short ride from Isle of Nattes to Isle Saint Marie and up the road a bit. The picture needs to be cropped slightly; you can see the... [read more]
Adventures, Photography

Zanzibar: Monkey Looking

Monkey Looking The red colubus monkey in Jozani Forest, Zanzibar off the east coast of Africa. Darn cute monkeys!
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Ring Tailed Lemur in Tree

Ring Tailed Lemur in Tree HDR from three exposures. Taken on 7/29/09 12:00pm. ISO 100, f/6.3, 100mm. Louise and I were treated to seeing a TON of lemurs in Isalo Park, Madagascar. This guy was... [read more]
Adventures, Photography

Madgascar Natural Pool

This was a great little oasis at Isalo Park in Madagascar. The area was called “Piscine Natural”. HDR from three exposures. f/22, ISO 100
Adventures, Photography

Massai Girl

Massai Girl in an East African Village 6/25/09, f/2.8, 1/1000, ISO 100, 200mm
Adventures, Photography

Baobab Trees in Madagascar with Water

7/26/09 4:42:01 PM. f/13. 1/200. ISO 200. 34.00mm with the 17.0-40mm Canon lens. Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
Adventures, Photography

Red Colubus Monkey

At Zanzibar island, off the coast of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. July 2009.
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar Motor Boat

(Blog restore) The boats in Madagascar generally have a regular engine that runs a pulley to the prop shaft. 1/60, f 7.1, ISO 200, 40.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Native Bird

(sorry for the double post, I'm restoring my blog). Canon Digital Rebal. f/2.8, 1/200, ISO 400, 200mm

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Girl Leaning on Pole

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Green Frog

f/8, 1/80, ISO 200, 100mm (100mm macro lens). No flash.
Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Trees

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Vast Open Space

..and my Louise on a unicycle! This was a “short” 20 mile ride that we did. Louise was wise, and turned around early and ended up doing about 10 miles. I went a lot further,... [read more]
Adventures, Photography, Unicycling

Madagascar 2009 Adventure Part 1

(republish) This is a story of our Adventures. I right it mainly for myself, but I hope others will at least look at the pictures, or possibly enjoy reading it. On July 15th, 2009 Louise... [read more]

Madagascar 2009 Adventure Part 1

(republish) This is a story of our Adventures. I right it mainly for myself, but I hope others will at least look at the pictures, or possibly enjoy reading it. On July 15th, 2009 Louise... [read more]

Lemur Hand

Lemur Hand f/5.6, 1/80, ISO 200, 200mm
Adventures, Photography

HDR – French Building in Madagascar

An HDR from three exposures taken on 8/1/09. f/20, 1/80s (others: 1/320s and 1/20s) , ISO 200, 17mm. The three originals used:
Adventures, Photography

Ringtailed Lemur

Canon Digital Rebal, f/5, 1/60, ISO 400, 200.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Avenue of Baobabs and Unicycles

These pictures complement the Mad Uni video when we rode from Morandava, Madagascar to the Ave of Baobabs. Louise by a tree:    Corbin – Louise took a much better picture than mine
Adventures, Unicycling

Some Africa pictures from others…

I don’t have any pictures of my own off my camera yet, but here are a few from some others on our Africa unicycle tour. I frequently put on mini performances for people. Here I... [read more]

Africa has zero free wifi

Well! I was hoping to update my blog from my phone using free wifi spots, but i ran into two problems. First of all, my blog is ancient wordpress, and doesn’t work with my iPhone’s... [read more]

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