Author Posts


Plug Bug: Power/Energy Required

This is an older post I never ended up publishing. Basically it is my process of how selection and research — especially with my particular commute and the hills I have to tackle. How much... [read more]
Electric Bug

Plug Bug: Interior Out and Rust in Back

The project is slowly moving along. I’m working on restoring the car and took most exterior stuff off in preparation for body repair and paint. I’m planning on upgrading to disc brakes and lowered spindles... [read more]
Electric Bug

Plug Bug: Battery Research

How far can I go? That depends on how fast you want to go, and how many hills you hit. Here’s some great info on the diy forums that got me started. I want to... [read more]
Electric Bug

Plug Bug: Final motor selection

After lots of research, I finally decided on a DC motor. I really want to have an AC system, but I have several issues: 1. Cost — it is at least 3k more, possibly a... [read more]
Electric Bug

Tandem Unicycle Practice

I brought the tandem unicycle with me to Yosemite this past weekend weekend. I was hoping Louise and I would get a chance to ride it, but she was sick all weekend and it started... [read more]

Plug Bug: More motor comparisions

I’m trying to figure out the best motor for my project. I’m now down to considering the EVE AC30 (or AC40) versus the DC WarP 9. The WarP 9 data is all given at 72v... [read more]
Electric Bug

Photography: Yosemite El Cap and Clouds

HDR picture from 3 RAW images. Yosemite, May 9, 2010

Plug Bug: AC vs DC

I initially was going to use a DC motor, but now I’m leaning towards AC. This website has a lot of great information on AC vs DC: Those are all good points, but I’ll... [read more]
Electric Bug

Plug Bug: EV AC Drive Motor / Controller Selection

My primary choices for an AC motor Update: I’m now back to considering a DC system, since the affordable AC systems (Azure Dynamics AC24LS and HPEV’s AC50) are underpowered for Highway 17 (5% grade, average).... [read more]
Electric Bug

Photography: Purple Wildflower


Plug Bug: Engine removed

I removed the engine a week or two ago. It wasn’t too hard! I’m still doing a lot of research on what motors and batteries I’m going to buy. Expect a summary at some point... [read more]
Electric Bug

Upstairs Railing

I’ve been working on a railing for the upstairs part of my house that opens up into the main a-frame. Here’s the general process on how I made it. First off, I did several designs... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Photography: Pincushions and Unis

Photography, Unicycling

Photography: Coker in the Grass

Photography, Unicycling

Rob’s Ride.

We did one of our favorite ride’s today, “Rob’s Ride”, with the famous Rob, Ken, Louise and myself. I dragged my camera around and took a few pictures. Route: iMapMyRide: Apr 18, 2010 1:37... [read more]

Plug Bug: Step 1, Research

I’m now learning as much as I can about electric cars and how to convert my bug. I’m going to document my process so others can benefit from the research that I do. So far,... [read more]
Electric Bug

Electric Bug

The Electric Bug Project (The Plug Bug) My next project has started! I’m planning on converting a 1969 VW bug to run on electricity. I have been wanting to do this for quite some time... [read more]
Electric Bug

Fireplace Mantel

Our house in Aptos needed a new fireplace mantel. The prior owner had taken out the mantel and insert, so I needed something that looked nice. There was a huge area that needed to be... [read more]

Fruit Trees

The yard at Project Hutchinson now has a small orchard. The lumber store over in Santa Cruz was having a sale on fruit trees, so I went and grabbed a few. In front of the... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

Talking Treehouses on Irish Radio

Tom Dunne of newstalk 106-108 FN in Ireland called me at 4:30 in the morning one friday to talk about treehouses. You can listen to the recording: Go to, then Tom Dunne, Archive, March... [read more]

Steel Bending Jigs

I’ve been working on creating a railing for the upstairs portion of my house. I wanted to create it out of steel and have some cool curves in it. I needed a bending jig, and... [read more]

Website statistics

It’s always geeky and interesting to see web stats for a site. Mine gets ~80 to ~100 visits on a normal day. The article spiked that up to 30,000 visits in one day. From... [read more]

Photography: Rolling In

Rolling In

Recumbent Unicycle

Not a pretty beast, and not easy to ride. It took me thee weeks of practice before I could ride it, and only after that could I “sort of” ride it. No free mounting or... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Powder Coating a KH24 Mountain Unicycle

Louise got me a powder coating gun for Christmas, and my friend Eric gave me his old stove so I could do some homebrew powder coating. I finally got it all together and did my... [read more]

New Zealand, UNICON, and me

New Zealand is an awesome place. The scenery is just amazing, and the country is very open to adventure sports. I was luck enough to travel with three of my really good friends: Nathan Hoover,... [read more]

Photography: Flatland Unicycling

Flatland Unicycling Beau Hoover in Queenstown, New Zealand. December 2009.
Photography, Unicycling

Photography: Wellington Seagull

Wellington Seagull

Unicon Marathon Race Details

For the past two weeks I was participating in Unicon 15, the bi-annual unicycle convention held in Wellington, New Zealand. Unicon is also known as the Unicycle World Championships. This is the first time that... [read more]

Unicycle Marathon World Champion

I’m the 2010 Unicycle World Champion for the Marathon Race! Jeff Wilton took some great pictures, and here is one of me crossing the finish line and getting interviewed at the end:

Photography: Pancake Rocks

Pancake Rocks

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