Video: Hexagonal Salad Bowl


Video Link: CNC Machining a Hexagonal Salad Bowl

I finished this new salad bowl a few days ago. I decided to do my “signature style” of epoxy drips on a new bowl design. I played around with a lot of different shapes using Fusion 360’s Form Editing, which allows you to manipulate a 3D model using T-splines. These are nice because you can generate a more flow-ey shape with them, and it works well for bowl design. I generally design a basic flat shape, and then use the Thicken command to give it the body/thickness.

The “drip” shape was generated in blender using geometry nodes and imported into Fusion 360.

Update: I now have digital files available so you can make this project with your own CNC machine: Digital Download: Hexagonal Salad Bowl with Epoxy Drips

This bowl has about $110 in raw materials, and that is not including sandpaper, the finish, and electricity costs to run my shop. Or however long I spent on this bowl…which was gobs and gobs of hours in design. Luckily the shape wasn’t too hard to machine. I’ll probably make a few available for around $250.

I’m also working on another all-wood design with some wood inlays, but I’m up to 10 different test pieces and all have failed for various reasons. I should just pour some epoxy into it and call it a day! I might do that…just to get it rolling and see if the idea works.

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[…] last hexagonal salad bowl was made with epoxy and cherry wood. I laminated up a bunch of pieces of cherry and machined out […]

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