Video: Wood Heart Boxes
I made a few more of these boxes and finished up a video on the whole process. This was one of the first projects on my Avid CNC that I got earlier this year. Some previous posts on it: Cherry and Maple Heart Box and the Cherry and Madrone Wood Heart Box.
I’ve got a few for sale on — and a few more that I haven’t posted yet, like the one in these photos. If you want one, let me know! I’ve got a friend who has first pick of the two newest ones…so I’m holding off on posting them for sale.
I’m considering selling the Fusion 360 file for this project; probably for around $12-$15 like my previous digital files. I’m not too motivated to make it available, as I spent a lot of time creating a set of directions for my Epoxy Heart Bowls and I’ve only sold a few of the plans. It’s hard to interpret someone else’s toolpaths without a good set of directions.
My spoon and spatula designs have been well received, and I think more people are purchasing that design because it uses Vectric VCarve instead of Fusion. Vectric is easier to get started in, but is really limiting in the tool path generation, and I couldn’t do something like this in VCarve. Aspire seems to have similar limitations as the toolpath tab is the same, and I don’t think it would work either. Controlling chipout with specific machining paths is possible with Fusion, but hard to do in VCarve. But with great power comes a steep learning curve.
Here’s the second cherry with walnut heart box: