All posts in December, 2022

Heart Box – Cherry Wood Box with Purple and Ghost Blue

The first heart box, Cherry with Bora Bora Blue, was a prototype that turned out awesome. However, I felt like there were ways to improve things, especially when my wife gave me some invaluable feedback.... [read more]

Heart Box – Cherry with Bora Bora Blue

Update: Available for sale on my store: Corbin’s Workshop or Etsy: Box on Etsy I thought it would be fun to add a lid to my heart bowls and turn it into a box. The... [read more]

Corbin’s Workshop Store on Etsy

I decided to take the plunge and list some of my things on Etsy. Check out my store: CorbinsWorkshopStore for Woodworking on Etsy. I was avoiding this, due to the 7% fees they charge, and... [read more]

Video: Heart Bowl Packaging

Lately I’ve been making several heart bowls to post for sale on my website: Corbin’s Workshop. To ship them, I normally would haphazardly wrap up the product in a bunch of old packaging material, put... [read more]

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