Secret Locking Batman Dark Knight Box


What’s up CNC woodworkers! This is a batman themed “Dark Knight” box made on my CNC router. The lid fits perfectly on top of the box and has a secret latching mechanism activated by magnets inside a small removable key that is the shape of the batman belt buckle. Whew! This turned out awesome, and I’m pretty happy with how well it worked out. Be sure to watch till the end of the video where I show more footage of the box and how the lock works. You can try to make this project yourself…download the CAD file for Fusion 360 and setup your own tool paths based on what I did. If you are a beginner, check out my tutorial series and then come back and try this project out! This project itself was initially inspired by Craig Thibodeau’s work. He does some amazing hidden locking mechanisms, puzzle boxes, and furniture.

Free downloads for you to mess around with:

Want to learn how to make stuff like this? I did a full step-by-step YouTube tutorial series on making a basic epoxy drip bowl, from design to finishing it up in the shop.

Materials I used:

  • CA glue
  • Accelerator
  • Tape
  • 8/4 walnut; this would look even better in black walnut!
  • Magnets – D62-N52 & D72-N52 from K&J magnetics
  • Steel nails (Home Depot, Lowes, etc)
  • Bearing: Uhh…not sure what I used, something I had laying around. The bearing may not be necessary.

CNC router bits:

** Regarding magnets: I would probably use some thicker magnets for the ellipse to get more strength. But doubling up the ones I had worked.

* Regarding my machine: I love my Tormach PCNC! However, the x/y axis is limiting for projects like this, and at some point I’d like to get a dedicated wood machine, such as their 24R.

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