Ink and Oak Bowl – CNC Woodworking


This is the Ink and Oak Bowl, another shape that can’t be created on the standard wood lathe. This bowl is an evolution of the Chaos Bowl I made a while back. That bowl is translucent black, but when I was tinting the epoxy I accidentally messed up…and the outcome is this bowl! This project was a quick one, so I skipped on some of my typical techniques in order to get it down quickly. In general, I use normal wood tools: the table saw, jointer, etc but also threw in some hot glue stick action.

The bowl’s short squat shape was designed around the size of the bowl blank that I ended up creating. The outer perimeter is a derivative shape from the Chaos Bowl.


Bits / Feeds / Speeds

All these speeds are based on my Tormach PCNC 1100, which has a max RPM of 5140. I run it at 5140 for all these bits in wood.


  • Pieces of oak
  • 3/4″ malemine for the mold
  • “Tuck Tape” or “Tyvek tape” or simply clear packing tape to cover the mold.
  • 1 1/4″ drywall or general purpose screws to hold the mold together
  • Silicon sealant (don’t use acrylic)
  • Epoxy: Pour Me a River, Deep Pour
  • Tint/dye



The process of making the bowl is very similar to the CNC Shell Bowl. Check out the link, watch the video (and the one above), and feel free to ask me questions! My contact info is in the About page.


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[…] To see the construction video and more details, check out the post at Corbin’s Treehouse: Ink and Oak Bowl. […]

[…] bowl design is an evolution of several things. The bowl shape is almost identical to the Ink and Oak Bowl, and I wanted to combine epoxy like the Chaos Bowl. But I wanted controlled chaos. So, I […]

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