Black River Bar Top

DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Epoxy bar top kitchen remodel wood


I previously wrote a post on my epoxy river table bar top, but it just focused on a video of me making it. This piece is made from a California black oak tree that fell down on my neighbor’s property a few years ago. I harvested it with a chainsaw alaskan mill and let it dry for about two years before starting the project. The center is a deep pour epoxy from Stone Coat Countertops, and colored with an onyx black mica powder from Black Diamond Pigments.  Check out the previous link for a list of the supplies I used.

Here are a few pictures of the finished piece in my kitchen remodel.

Bar top - oak and black epoxy


Epoxy river table bar top



River Table bar top


Below are a few pictures of the piece while it was in progress.


Wood split in the middle for the river table bar top


River table bar top mold

River table curing epoxy

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[…] durable. I’ve used it for some tops, such as my black river bar top and epoxy river placemats. It will show scratches after a while due to dragging stuff over […]

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