Epoxy Wall Art: River Runs Through It



Epoxy resin wall art


I’ve started dabbling in epoxy to create some art pieces. Some will be functional tables, while others will be pieces to hang on the wall. Eventually I’m going to open up a dedicated website to sell woodworking and epoxy art; for now, things will be available on “corbin’s treehouse” or via email (corbin @ corbinstreehouse dot com).

This is a gorgeous blue river running through some spalted oak wood. The oak tree fell down from natural causes during a heavy storm. I let it sit for a while, which caused the tree to have some fungus and bugs start to eat it up. The resulting wood is amazingly beautiful and woodworkers refer to it as spalted. I purchased an “Alaskan mill” to create my own wood slabs.The mill is simply an attachment for the chainsaw that allows you to make pretty straight cuts. 

I let the wood dry for well over a year, and finally the moisture content seemed low enough to start working with it. I made this piece originally as a small table.  However, it is particular thin; about 3/4 of an inch, and seemed too thin and too small of a piece to make into an actual table. Instead, it is beautiful on the wall. 

I finished it with three coats of satin water based poly, but I wasn’t quite satisfied with the result. It never looked smooth enough, and this is probably due to the roughness of the wood. I add a coat of clear/natural Rubio monocoat over it, and that helped a bit. I’m not 100% happy with the finish, and I might eventually work on this some more and list it for sale.







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