Redwood Monkey Brewing: Orangutan IPA – West Coast IPA Recipe


Orangutan IPA by Redwood Monkey Brewing
West Coast IPA All Grain Recipe

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This is an awesome beer and I want to share it with everyone! It is my take on a classic West Coast IPA, but with a little bit less bitterness than you’d normally expect and a touch more citrus thanks to the combination of Mosaic and Citra hops along with a full tangerine during fermentation. Check out the video of me brewing it:

1.062 OG
88 IBUs
7.4 SRM
6% ABV

60% brewhouse efficiency, 5 gallon batch (NOT 5.5!)

Grain bill
12 lbs  – 2 Row Malt (Pale Malt, US or Canada)
1 lb 3.2 oz – Briess Carapils (dextrine)
1 lb 3.2 oz – Crystal Malt (40L)

Hops/Adjuncts (Pellet hops used)
0.50 oz Columbus (Tomahawk)  @ 60 minutes
0.50 oz Simcoe @ 60 minutes
0.25 oz Columbus (Tomahawk) @ 30 minutes
0.25 oz Simcoe @ 30 minutes
1 whirfloc tablet @ 10 minutes
0.25 oz Columbus (Tomahawk) @ 5 minutes
0.25 oz Simcoe @ 5 minutes
1.00 oz Citra steep/whirlpool for 30 minutes
2.0 oz  Citra – dry hop for 7 days
2.0 oz Mosaic – dry hop for 7 days
1 tangerine – “dry hop” for 7 days, grated and cut up

YeastImperial Organic A07 Flagship

1. Mash with 6.5 gallons of water at 159F for 1 hour.
Note: I use 6.5 gallons because my false bottom has one gallon underneath it (which I can recover/use). I heat my water to 169/170F, turn off the heat, add the grain and stir well. This consistently drops the temperature 10F in my all grain setup.

2. Fly sparge with 3.5 gallons of water heated to 168F.
Note: While sparging, start filling up the boil kettle slowly, and once it gets about a gallon of water in it turn on the flame on low to start heating it.

3. Boil for one hour, adding hops and the whirfloc tablet at required intervals. 
Note: You could use Irish moss instead of a whirfloc tablet.

4. Pitch the yeast after cooling to room temperature (~65F).
Note: I did NOT create a starter for the Imperial Organic yeast, as it has a ton of cells in it.

5. Ferment for 20 days. After 13 days (7 days before the end of fermentation), add the dry hops and tangerine. Prep the tangerine by grading the skin and chopping up the interior. Boil it for 5 minutes with a small amount of water to sterilize it and allow to cool before adding it to the fermentor.

Transfer to a keg and force carbonate for 24 hours at 20 PSI.

Update: corrected first addition of Simcoe hops; originally said 30 minutes when it should have been 60!

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