Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 8 – Gluing the top on

General, Woodworking

The next big step in the kayak was to glue the top on. First you put a coat of unthickened epoxy on the bottom side of the top piece, and then use thickened (cab-o-sil) epoxy to glue it down to the top part. Using straps to secure it down in place helps form the curve while you nail it on. An action shot of me!

IMG 2448 JPG

Flip it upside down so the glue drips into the gaps, and fill in the edge gaps (there were quite a few…): 

IMG 7944


 The next day it was dry. I flipped it right side up and trimmed the edge off with my jigsaw before planning it level and adding a bevel:

IMG 7945


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