Building the Chesapeake 16LT Kayak: Part 10 – Top Coat

General, Woodworking

I used 4oz fiberglass on top, per the instructions in the kit. I was afraid I was going to run out of epoxy hardener, so I only glassed half of the boat at first. This is fine..since the glass is done in two pieces.

IMG 7979

I jumped over to West Marine in Santa Cruz and got some more of their epoxy that has a “clear” finish (i.e.: non-blushing). I got home and cut open my container to utilize the last bit, and managed to get enough out from the original MAS bottle to do the rest of my kayak’s first coat:

IMG 7980\

This was done with a squeegee, and just enough was put in to fill the weave of the fabric. I’ll go over with a second and third coat once it has finished drying to the touch (probably 5 hours).


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