All posts in 2015

Bathroom Vanity: Taking Shape

My bathroom vanity is starting to finally look like something.  Here it is dry fitted before glue up: The process will be to put one side on The back, and then the other side: Then... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Bathroom Vanity Notes

These are mainly notes to myself on building my downstairs bathroom vanity (cabinet). Face frame construction was normal pocket hole screws and works well for the face and back frame (back side seen here): In... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Kickback! and the bathroom vanity cabinet

I started planing some wood down to ¾” thickness for my bathroom vanity cabinet:   As I was ripping one pice to width a small sliver came loose; there was a crack in the end... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Bug down! Charger broken (again – 3rd time)

Sadly, the electric VW bug will be taking some time off the road. Last time it was the transmission, and this time it is the Manzanita Micro PFC-30 charger. I didn’t even get a 1000... [read more]
Electric Bug

chargepoint energy stats for my bug

Since July of 2011 I’ve been using chargepoint for charging at free charging stations, and at work. Prior to my work getting J1772 stations, I would use a dryer plug outlet that was provided for... [read more]
Electric Bug

Bathroom Vanity Cabinet: Free SketchUp Model Download!

Here is my downstairs bathroom cabinet design in Sketchup: A quick rendering:   And placed in my bathroom setup:   Download the free cabinet SketchUp model: Downstairs bathroom cabinet 2015.skp    
DIY Home Remodeling, Woodworking

Plug Bug: You are only as strong as your weakest cell

I had known for quite some time that I had a weak cell in my battery pack. My electric bug’s battery consists of 48 lithium iron phosphate cells. I use the eLithion battery management system... [read more]
Electric Bug

Photography: Nepal White Himalayas

The himalaya mountains are fabulous; I couldn’t stop staring at them. I can’t remember if this was early morning or early evening — but the mountain was just glowing from the sunlight, while myself and... [read more]

SF Uni Tour

Going through some old pictures on my hard drive and ran across this one that Daniel Inouye took of me on the San Francisco Unicycle Tour back in 2011: I like the composition; my head... [read more]

WWDC 2015: Improving the Full Screen Window Experience

For the past 10 years I’ve given a talk at every Apple World Wild Developer Conference (WWDC). Well, except for one. That was 2007 when I was busy working on UIKit for the iPhone 1.0.... [read more]
Apple, Cocoa, Coding

Hacking duolingo to make flashcards with sounds using Anki

Use Anki to learn a language with sound enabled flashcards. 0. Buy a Mac if you don’t have one already 1. In Safari’s Preferences, turn on the Develop menu item (Advanced tab) 2. Visit duolingo,... [read more]

On learning languages…

I’m working on learning Italian. When I was a kid, I hated learning languages, and had the terrible monopolistic language view that everyone should speak English. I have long since realized that was a really... [read more]

Plug Bug: Killing Chargepoint Charging Stations

Well, my bug wasn’t killing the charging stations, but it was giving them an internal error. It seems that the newer charge point stations with a large display weren’t compatible with my car’s J1772 port... [read more]
Electric Bug

Adventures in Solo Camping: Desolation Wilderness, Lake Tahoe

I got really excited about an upcoming backpacking trip in Desolation Wilderness with Costanza and some friends, and decided to jump the gun and do a solo trip by myself a bit earlier. I drove... [read more]

How to make a custom bee hive stand

I’ve been keeping bees for about a month now. I absolutely love the little girls! My friend, Stefan from A Jar Of Honey in San Jose, gave me a hive to get started. I needed... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling, General

Nepal Unicycle Tour: Relaxing

Here is another fantastic picture of my Nepal trip by Dawa Sherpa from Himalayan Trails Adventure Travel.  I’m sitting admiring the mountains, while Michele is checking something out. Our other local guide, Ankit, is looking... [read more]
General, Unicycling

Nepal Unicycle Tour

Photo by Dawa Sherpa, the wonderful guide on my Nepal Unicycle Tour through the Himalayas.  
General, Unicycling

How much money does my YouTube channel pull in?

I’ve wondered why my YouTube payments never show up in my Google Adsense payments. I finally realized that it is because they have never hit the $100 minimum threshold for payment issuing (ever!). I enabled... [read more]

Plug Bug: Transmission / motor removal in an electric conversion

I was still having trouble with my transmission. My last post talked about how I got it back in — this was months ago, in October 2014. I drove the car about 20 miles, and while... [read more]
Electric Bug

Plug Bug Videos

I made a playlist of all the videos I have on YouTube to more easily find them. Here they are:
Electric Bug

Unicycle Handlebar: Inverted V

In my last unicycle handlebar experiment I did a simple T, slightly bent forward. This design was too close to my knees, didn’t feel very good on my hands, and felt a bit unstable.  I made a... [read more]

Photography: House in Nepal

House in Nepal, Himalayas Nepal. April 2015. 5 exposure HDR Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Canon EF 24-70mm lens. No tripod; supported on the edge of something. HDR image made with Photmatix. Buy it on... [read more]

Downloading WordPress Content – “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds” error

I occasionally want to download all my blog posts from WordPress. This is easy to do in the web config – go to Tools -> Export and “Download Export File”. The download would max out... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Portable solar panels

I do a lot of adventures. My last adventure was unicycling the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. I wasn’t planning on having a lot of access to electricity, so I wanted to get a portable solar... [read more]

Repairing a “Stuck Brush” error on Neato XV-11 Vacuum

May 2018 Update: Issues with the latest Botvac: I have a Neato XV-11 Vacuum that I bought quite a few years ago when it first came out. The initial version had quite a few glitches and... [read more]
General, Other Stuff

Website statistics

Here are my website statistics: I just ran across SeeTheStats — a site that imports Google Analytics data and turns it into some cool graphs that anyone can see. I’m hoping to slowly grow... [read more]

Photography: Himalayas

Himalayas Nepal. April 2015. Taken from the air. Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Canon EF 24-70mm lens. No tripod; supported on the edge of something. For cool HDR images, use Photmatix!. Buy it on Amazon:... [read more]

Photography: Nepal Mountains

Nepal Mountains Annapurna Circuit, Nepal. April 2015. HDR from 5 exposures. Canon EOS 5D Mark III, Canon EF 24-70mm lens. No tripod; supported on the edge of something. HDR image created with Photomatix Pro 5... [read more]

Cyr Wheel Tutorials – “The List”

Here is the start of a list of some Cyr Wheel Tutorial videos; many are by other people (ton’s by Mitch!), so I don’t take credit for the videos. As a reminder, here is info... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel

New fruit trees

I got a few new fruit trees and shrubs last weekend! The new peach tree is far back right (hard to see), behind the apple tree (no leaves right now). A new blueberry bush (TODO:... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

LED cyr wheel (v2) repair

A bit over a year ago I started using my LED Cyr wheel v2. This version has LEDs embedded on the sides in epoxy, and it had been working pretty great until a show last... [read more]
Circus/Cyr Wheel

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