The Electric Bug Chronicles: Hey, Don’t Pull Him Over!

Electric Bug

Stories from the driver’s seat.

In the past four or five years I have been pulled over by cops a lot. I always get set on my way without a ticket; so far I haven’t been caught for speeding.
One day, about two or three years ago, I was driving along on Highway 85 in the carpool lane. A cop pops behind me, and I know the drill before it happens: they are going to turn on their lights and pull me over. They do. As soon as they walk up to my window I hand them a little piece of paper that validates my coveted “white stickers”. They look it over, and send me on my way. 
But that isn’t the story! The fun part came the following day as I’m driving up Highway 17 in a lot of heavy traffic. I’m in the “fast” lane and see a motorcyclist splitting the lanes. He slows down beside my passenger window, and starts revving his engine to get my attention. Now, keep in mind my last encounters with motorcyclists hadn’t been so great. I roll down my passenger window (which isn’t easy), and the guy starts yelling at me: “I saw the cop pulling you over yesterday, and said no! Don’t pull him over — he’s electric!”. It made my day to hear him say that. Some people get it!

Check out all the electric bug chronicles!

Here’s a picture of the motor from back in 2011. It looked really clean back then!  
IMG 5276

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