LED cyr wheel (v2) repair

Circus/Cyr Wheel

A bit over a year ago I started using my LED Cyr wheel v2. This version has LEDs embedded on the sides in epoxy, and it had been working pretty great until a show last night. One section of the wheel I didn’t use ExpoCast 690. I had some trouble with the first section I did, and thought I’d try the other (cheaper) expo that I had. It also was just a difficult to work with, so I ended up using ExpoCast on everything else. But that one section that has the other expo developed cracks, which I’ve known about for a while. Unfortunately one crack caused movement in the LEDs and broke a connection, causing two sections on one side to not light up (since it sends the signal through sequentially). Doh…I was disappointed as it affected one of my shows, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

The repair doesn’t seem to be too bad! Using a chisel I could fairly easily knock out the bad pieces and expose the LEDs. I then cut out the two that seemed to be bad, and replaced them.


I then epoxied back over it with the good epoxy:


The connection seems good (from testing), but the real test will be using the wheel again. The epoxy takes a 24-48 hours to dry, so it’ll be a while before I can test it out. Hopefully it works, as I have another show this Saturday night in Los Gatos.


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hey Corbin, I tried you in Facebook but I guess you don’t use it much?
I am curious if you sell versions of your LED wheel and the programming too?
I would be super interested in using one. I’m across the pond in England and I’ve been doing wheel for about 6 years.
Please send me an email, would love to discuss :)

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