WildFire v3 Arduino compatible Wifi enabled board


Wicked Device is making a cool little Arduino clone called the WildFire. Why is it cool? Because it includes the CC3000 Wifi chip built in, an SD card slot, and the ATmega1284p processor – which has tons more memory than the Arduino UNO! It is also a great price at $50. Consider the alternative of buying an UNO ($25 – Adafruit) and a CC3000 breakout board ($35) and you are now already at $60 before adding on an SD card. The board is also well thought out; you can easily breadboard it with the female headers, and then solder it into your project with the duplicated pin holes on the side. Great idea!


I’ve been needing a device for some internet enabled side projects that I want to do. Victor from Wicked Device ran across my post on CC3000 and offered to send me one to play with. So, I’m excited to play around with it!


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