Firewood Hutch

DIY Home Remodeling

An oak tree fell down at the end of last winter and I ended up with a lot of great firewood. I saved a few pieces for woodworking (we’ll see how those turn out), but the rest is going to heat my house. I needed a convenient place to store the firewood, and I originally was going to turn my back door cement area into a covered firewood area…but Costanza and my friend Mark convinced me it was a bad idea (it would block too much light into my house). So, I designed a little firewood hutch that would go under my bathroom window.

The final result, packed to the brim with firewood:


I had to pour some concrete posts, as wood+ground contact creates rot and termite infestations:



I wanted the floor to be level with my existing concrete floor; I had to dig out a bit of earth and set a four by four on top of the concrete pillars, along with a hacked up support for them embedded in the concrete:


Simple roof construction, 4x4s with 2×4 roofing:


3/4″ ply on top (leftover from Burning Man — I had used the plywood as flooring for cyr wheel), and then painted/stained to match the house (I also did all the back side, which needed it!):


Then, roofed (tarpaper + shingles):


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