LED Cyr Wheel v2 (Parts List – LED stuff)

Circus/Cyr Wheel

Here is a running parts list of what I’m buying for my new LED Cyr Wheel v2:


10 – $3.20 – COM-08982 – Electrolytic Decoupling Capacitors – 1000uF/25V ($0.32 ea.)

2 – $39.90 – DEV-12646 – Teensy 3.1 ($19.95 ea.)
only one is needed

1 – $119.95 – COM-12028 – LED RGB Strip – Addressable, Sealed (5M)

1 – $24.95 – COM-12027 – LED RGB Strip – Addressable, Sealed (1M)
Total: $168 (plus shipping)

Note: I spent about $190 here..ordering extra stuff not listed above (but I got 10% off)

Connectors: (For connecting wire-to-wire from each wheel segment). I ended up buying a *ton* more than needed; I’ll list *just* what I am planning on needing:

Select Product Detail
Order Qty.

$0.157 $1.57
$0.135 $1.35
$0.48 $1.92
$0.30 $1.20
$33.75 $33.75
$0.291 $5.82
$0.253 $5.06
$0.114 $21.66
$0.13 $24.70

Total of what is needed, assuming you have a crimper, about $10. With crimper: ~$44. I bought a *ton* more of parts (not listed above) to have a lot of spares as I need connectors, so I spent $118 on this order.

Wiring, 20AWG 4 strand (3 strand would suffice) ebay (Couldn’t find small quantities at Mouser or Digikey):

4 wire Cable, 20 AWG; 15′ Feet – $5 (plus $3 shipping)

Battery/Charger/Connectors: – Find on HobbyKing.com

1x #NG1200A.3S.15/28637 Turnigy nano-tech 1200mah 3S 15~25C Lipo AIRSOFT Pack (US Warehouse) = $9.31

1x #ACC6/18066 Turnigy Accucel-6 50W 6A Balancer/Charger w/ accessories (USA Warehouse) = $24.07

1x #HK15-5/34106 HobbyKing Power Supply 100~240v 5A (USA Warehouse) = $9.74

1x #AM-1022Ax10/43716 Tamiya Connector (Male) (10pcs/set) (USA warehouse) = $2.20

1x #AM-1022Bx10/43718 Tamiya connector (Female) (10pcs/set) (USA warehouse) = $1.60

Shipping: $10

~$46 (if you have a LiPo charger, that would be only $13 for the battery)


Total for parts *just* needed (no tools, no charger): $168+$44+$13+$8: $233 for the bare parts. I ended up ordering a *lot* of extras and things for other projects, and you need a charger and some other tools which you may not have. I’d say the charger is essential…so tack on $34: $267 plus about $30 for shipping from various companies and I’m probably at about ~$300 just for LEDs and electronics that are going in the wheel!

The wheel itself will be $200-$300 to make (metal, tubing, glue), so my total cost for this project is probably $500-$600.


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