Back on the road again

Electric Bug

I got my charger back from Manzanita last thursday and put it in the car Friday night. They weren’t sure why it busted, but the bridge rectifier had to be replaced, and they did some general tune ups. Unfortunately, it was out of warranty, so I had to pay out of pocket for it. But oh well…I’m still saving money on gas!

Here’s a picture of my charger’s bracket to allow me to mount it horizontally:


I also got my Belktronix DC-DC converter to replace my ailing IOTA DLS-55. Good news from IOTA is that they are taking the issues I brought up to heart, and apparently now have a prototype IOTA DLS-55 that is ruggedized and specialized for EV use! Cool! Evolve Electrics is helping them test it out.

Here’s the new DC-DC converter (the big hunk of aluminum):


No fans, so the car is now dead silent again. Yes!


Some other mods an recent issues. My brakes started leaking and went soft one day. The rear line I installed was rubbing against this member and got a small hole that let it leak out:


I replaced it and bent it better.

I had moved the radiator underneath and inline with the car, and covered it by some white screen to protect it:


It didn’t seem to cool the controller quite enough, so I moved it directly into the flow of the air. This involved some new pipes:


A new bracket:


And mounted:


The fans are still on it, but I may not need them anymore. They are still controlled by a temp switch:



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