Plug Bug: Strapping Thundersky batteries together

Electric Bug

Here’s how I strap the Thundersky batteries together.

As previously mentioned, I bought the Mini Polyester Strapping Kit 5/8″ x .040″+seals + tools for $80 (plus shipping) on ebay.

The pack of 4 (or 5) cells is squared with a regular square. Be sure to line up the terminals in the direction you want them. I ended up restrapping one cell again. Actually, I did it twice; I actually strapped it back together in the same configuration that I took it apart in (doubt!).


Tape on the end pieces (1/8″ thick aluminum sheet). Twice I forgot to do this and had to restrap the bottom one again.


Cut the strap with some excess:


Put the strap in the bottom of the strap tension tool:


I dremeled out little sections to allow the strap connectors to sit (somewhat) flush:


Strap lined up with the tool and brought up to tension with the ratcheting mechanism:


Clip slipped on over the slot and the crimped on with the crimper tool. After crimping, but before cut-off, I file the rough part of the edge off.


Finished strap:


A whole lot of cells (this is most my rear pack):



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hey looks quite a job gettin the batteries together – so you will be using these after all – how will it work in the back>?


hey dad, yeah — no backseat, like we talked about! just cells! I think it will work out best, given the additional weight it is adding to the car.



How are you going to lift this pack into the car ?


OK, I see in sets of 4. Very nice.

Rudi Richter

Hello Corbin,
It is a nice idea and I guess it will work by having lower price and weight.

At time I am contacting Winston and Sinopoly, the former Thundersky partners splitted and got a price of 8USD for the metall stripping for volume from Winston.

A question, do you use any curcuits to balance the cells to avoid capacity loss? I read Infineon is offering a new solution for this.

Thank you,

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