Vancouver Muni Weekend 2010


I had an awesome time at the “California” muni weekend, hosted in Vancouver, BC, Canada, by the VanUni unicycling club and dubbed the Vancouver Muni Weekend. It was announced via the Unicyclist forums.

Here is a collection of pictures from Nathan Hoover on SmugMug. Here are some of the highlights that include me, and my notes so I can remember what I did and have one place to find all the links I’m interested in.

Friday we did an informal ride at the North Shore (Mt Fromme) on a trail called Ladies Only. Tim Lee got a picture of how Ladies have a double black diamond technical difficulty rating:


Here’s a video from Nathan:

Saturday we rode the CBC trail at Mt Seymour. Here’s me riding a skinny: (Photo by Nathan Hoover):

Corbin on a skinny.
A picture from Facebook via Tim Lee:

One of my favorite movies from Nathan — a cool teeter totter:

Monday we went up to Squamish and road by the Alice Lake area. It rained lightly, but cleared up in the afternoon and was also a blast. Here’s a video of some of the scary stuff (from Nathan again!):

Tom Holub also put up some great Vancouver Muni Weekend pictures on flickr.

A youtube collection from Nick — lots of footage of Tom, Justin and An’So. I think I was ahead of them, as I didn’t get a chance to really ride with them on Saturday.


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Wow – awesome trip and great course!

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