Powder Coating a KH24 Mountain Unicycle


Louise got me a powder coating gun for Christmas, and my friend Eric gave me his old stove so I could do some homebrew powder coating. I finally got it all together and did my KH24 frame.

First, I used some stripper to get my frame nice and clean. Originally I used some orange “natural” stripper, but it didn’t work at all, and I ended up having to buy the caustic nasty stuff to get the job done. It took 3 or 4 coats before all the paint was off, which was essential in getting a good finish:


I sprayed it first with red, baked it for 20 mins, and it was done! I masked the side with some tape and sprayed again with black to leave a red stripe:


The tape didn’t work all too well, and left some rough edges and overspray marks…but heck, it was my first try, and I’m quite happy with the results.



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don ted

hello…like ur website…gonna try uni cycling…..try FROG TAPE [brand name]its green ….works very well when taping stripes and stuff….easy to work with to….carpate empi nurum?….later

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