All posts in 2009

HDR shot of my lathe

A South Bend 13″ Tool Room Lathe from the 50’s:
Machining, Photography

Fastest speed on a unicycle

A frequent question I get is how fast can I ride on my unicycle. This morning, while riding to work, I hit my fastest speed. 26.1mph, downhill. Really quite insane, as crashing at that speed... [read more]

The Circular Treehouse: Zip Line to the Treehouse Video

I’m still working on it, but here’s a short video of some of it.

AJ’s handlebar.

Some pictures of a handlebar I last built. I prefer making the T run vertical; it avoids having the horizontal tube collect water. The thing is light!

Greening my wedding

I want to cut down on the environmental impact for our wedding. So, I ordered biodegradable plates, cups and silverware from– I’ll find out how long they really take to biodegrade as I plan... [read more]

The Circular Treehouse – Platform Sneak Peak

Well! Today I finished the base platform. This is all I’m planning on doing for the “event” (edited in 2018). Well, this and adding stairs. Sometime I may turn it into a real treehouse with... [read more]

The Circular Treehouse – Beam Install

The first step was to install the top brackets. Well, first had to get the proper bolts. I wanted to use 3/4″ thick (radius) by 8″ long lag bolts — galvanized to support the weather.... [read more]

The Circular Treehouse – Bracket Fabrication

I bought some 4” wide by 1/4” thick steel from SIMS metal in San Jose with the intent on using it to make brackets. Now, 4” would be perfect if I used 4x4s for the... [read more]

The Circular Treehouse – Updated Plans

I decided to redo my “special event” treehouse concept. I wanted something far enough out in front of the trees to suffice as a proper area to stand for the ceremony, and the typical umbrella... [read more]

Tree Top Builders

I would like to give a big thanks to Dan Wright, from Tree Top Builders out in PA. Dan has been building some amazing treehouses for quite some time and is well experienced in the... [read more]

The latest unicycle handle

I’ve been using my newest unicycle handle for quite a while, and I’m really happy with it. I’ve designed it to fit my geared KH24, and I want to make a newer version that fits... [read more]

Project Hutchinson: The carpeted upstairs guest room

The remodeling project continues! We ordered carpet after I finished painting the built-in dresser frames. Unfortunately it was a big ordeal when we went through Home Depot. the color and manufacturer that happened to make... [read more]
DIY Home Remodeling

My treehouse fell down!

Well, a few weeks ago it finally happened. My treehouse fell down! Well, not entirely; about 3/4 of the floor fell out. I took a few pictures with my iPhone; I’ll probably be going back... [read more]

The Circular Treehouse: Building a New Treehouse

(Update in 2018, I edited this content a bit. I had made this for a special event with my previous partner, and decided to reword some things mainly for my own sanity). I decided to... [read more]

Cool welding goggles

They aren’t as dark as my glasses and work well for brazing. Very old school.
Other Stuff

KH 36 Unicycle

My new road unicycle is setup and ready to ride! My old road unicycle was a Nimbus 36 frame – but, I had had dremmeled out the bearing holders to fit the 42mm bearings for... [read more]

Yet another unicycle handlebar

I made another unicycle handlebar. This time, taking some ideas from other people and using an old bike seat tube with a T welded on front so I could mount bar ends on it. It... [read more]

Pete Nelson’s latest treehouse

From his blog: Just amazing, as usual!

Project Hutchinson: Upstairs built-in dressers

The built-in dressers are coming along. Here’s the first set in front of the bathroom. Louise picked the color.
DIY Home Remodeling

Munibar: Mountain Unicycle Handlebar

A few days ago I finished a new unicycle handlebar for my mountain uni; thus, we have the munibar. I’m planning on using the geared 24″ mountain unicycle for the Africa tour next summer, and... [read more]

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