All posts in 2009


Madagascar: Native Bird

(sorry for the double post, I'm restoring my blog). Canon Digital Rebal. f/2.8, 1/200, ISO 400, 200mm

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Girl Leaning on Pole

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Green Frog

f/8, 1/80, ISO 200, 100mm (100mm macro lens). No flash.
Adventures, Photography

One ounce removed off KH Moment cranks

Joseph Campbell came over last weekend to ride trials. He was mentioning how heavy the KH cranks are, so I told him we could quickly mill out some material. I took a deep pocket out... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Custom machined V-brake adapter for magura brake mounts

I made this on Saturday out of aluminum: a machined adapter that lets me attach a v-brake to magura brake mounts of my unicycle. The picture below (iPhone quality, sorry!) shows the first one, which... [read more]
Machining, Unicycling

Madagascar: Trees

Adventures, Photography

Madagascar: Vast Open Space

..and my Louise on a unicycle! This was a “short” 20 mile ride that we did. Louise was wise, and turned around early and ended up doing about 10 miles. I went a lot further,... [read more]
Adventures, Photography, Unicycling

Ride the Lobster race pictures from Florian

I was checking out some pictures on Florian Schlumpf’s website, (creator of the two speed geared unicycle hub), and saw some old pictures from the Ride the Lobster unicycle race. I copied the ones... [read more]

Comments currently broken

Comments are currently broken. I need to fix them. I know about the problem..I just have to figure it out. Sorry, and thanks!

Madagascar 2009 Adventure Part 1

(republish) This is a story of our Adventures. I right it mainly for myself, but I hope others will at least look at the pictures, or possibly enjoy reading it. On July 15th, 2009 Louise... [read more]

Madagascar 2009 Adventure Part 1

(republish) This is a story of our Adventures. I right it mainly for myself, but I hope others will at least look at the pictures, or possibly enjoy reading it. On July 15th, 2009 Louise... [read more]

Madagascar: Girl Leaning on Pole


Back to geared cokering!

My 36″ geared unicycle was out of commission for a while; the hubs bearings needed replacing, and the creator (Florian Schlumpf in Switzerland) now has an improved version. Today was the first real test ride... [read more]

KH36 Handlebar

My old handlebar on my coker wasn’t quite what I wanted, and I have been quite happy with the one I use on my 24″ mountain unicycle, so I decided to make a version for... [read more]

Machining a unicycle clamp

I needed a brake adapter for my KH36 to go with a new handlebar I made. I finished the handlebar a few days ago to replace my red one. The red one was made of... [read more]

Lemur Hand

Lemur Hand f/5.6, 1/80, ISO 200, 200mm
Adventures, Photography

HDR – French Building in Madagascar

An HDR from three exposures taken on 8/1/09. f/20, 1/80s (others: 1/320s and 1/20s) , ISO 200, 17mm. The three originals used:
Adventures, Photography

Ringtailed Lemur

Canon Digital Rebal, f/5, 1/60, ISO 400, 200.0mm
Adventures, Photography

Avenue of Baobabs and Unicycles

These pictures complement the Mad Uni video when we rode from Morandava, Madagascar to the Ave of Baobabs. Louise by a tree:    Corbin – Louise took a much better picture than mine
Adventures, Unicycling

Madagascar Unicycling Pictures

We took a pirogue (a dugout canoe) from Isle aux Nattes (a tiny island, not even shown on google maps) to Isle Sainte-Marie, a larger island off the east coast of Madagascar. We then road... [read more]

Unicycling Video: Mad Uni

Mad Uni – Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar July 26th, 2009 Featuring: Corbin Dunn and Louise Lovelle MPEG-4, 45.3 MB, 1:17 duration. Also available is a medium version 18.4 MB. This is pretty much the only... [read more]

Brake assisted coasting

Brake assisted coasting is kind of cool. Especially when your feet are horizontal. Corbin, in Nairobi, Africa. A short clip of what I’m working on for my video of Africa.

Colorful Bug, Madagascar

At the Anja Preserve f/18, 1/100, ISO200, 200mm, Canon Digital Rebal XT, 70.0-200.0mm lens.

The Circular Treehouse: Zip Line and Finishing

Ah, some pictures and details I meant to post ages ago. Building stairs for the treehouse: Accessories for the zip line: And me installing it:

Metalworking: cufflinks

One of my first metalworking projects was making cufflinks for my wedding. They are aluminum and I turned them on the lathe, and used the mill for some drilling and flattening (by eye). The back... [read more]
Other Stuff

Avenue of Baobabs, Madgascar

Avenue of Baobabs, Madgascar Another HDR I took. The clouds were amazing. I may spend some more time tweaking these to make them look a little better.

Louise at the Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar

Louise at the Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar HDR from three exposures. f/9, 1/160, ISO 200. 17.0mm.

Zebu Cart

Zebu Cart, Madagascar (HDR) Louise and I just returned from a two month vacation/honeymoon. The first month was spent in East Africa, unicycling about 550km from Nairobi, Kenya to Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The tour... [read more]

Some Africa pictures from others…

I don’t have any pictures of my own off my camera yet, but here are a few from some others on our Africa unicycle tour. I frequently put on mini performances for people. Here I... [read more]

Africa has zero free wifi

Well! I was hoping to update my blog from my phone using free wifi spots, but i ran into two problems. First of all, my blog is ancient wordpress, and doesn’t work with my iPhone’s... [read more]

Off to Africa for Unicycling

Today, Louise and I are heading out to Africa for a unicycle tour from Kenya to Tanzania. After that, we will be taking a trip to Madagascar for some more touring! I’ll be without my... [read more]

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