Tandem Unicycle


The Tandem Unicycle Project


EDIT: Here are the tandem unicycle construction details for the makers out there.

EDIT: A short video of me and Jason trying to ride it: riding the tandem uni.

EDIT: For all the traffic visiting, I recommend watching the Africa Unicycle Video. It is much better!

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Hi I like this project and I look forward to see more informations about it. I`m glad that I find this website full of interesting things.


sorry for my english


This is the work of a genius.




Is it like teetertotter when 2 people are on it?

Russ Zandbergen

Hi Corbin,

Thanks for taking the time to share your creativity with a blog. A friend
mailed me the link to your blog this AM.

I am a fellow unicyclists, welder, machinist, builder, and blacksmith…

And run a company making ultralight backpacking gear… So I guess I’m odd.

Anyway, is this tandem thing at all ridable ? How do you both get on the thing ??

I’m really wanting to get a big wheel. I ride a 24″ on the street now.

Thanks, Russ


Hey Corbin,
I like it. The seats are facing in the rite direction too.

[…] a whole lot of build info, but this looks like it would be an exciting ride! [Thanks, […]


That looks really hard to ride. Is the cog in the middle of that looks like it isn’t attached to anything to adjust the chain tension? Does that fall out if you hit a bump?


Cool. As it’s symmetrical, I guess the users could face in, face out, or face in the same direction. All you’d need do would be to cross over one of the chains. Make it even more impossible to balance!

Big Bob


[…] Tandem Unicycle is built for two people to ride it. I wish I had more info on how to build […]


I used to ride a unicycle like most people ride bikes, but I would get on that thing for all the tea in China! Where are all the engineers? That contraption is an accident waiting to happen.

Daniel Sorensen

When can we expect to see a demonstration video. You would be the only youtube tandem unicycle sensation! I really would like to see that as a fellow uncicylist. “You actually know how to ride that?” They still ask after you tell them that is how you got to the party.

[…] Tandem Unicycle […]

[…] Photo via Corbin’s Treehouse […]

[…] Photo via Corbin’s Treehouse […]

[…] Treehugger Photo via Corbin’s Treehouse […]


It not easy to handle. Even 2 people on the tandem. But i like this project. Good Job Buddy.

[…] to controlling the cycle. Look like hard but it was really fun. This good project done by  – Corbin Dunn. Take a look […]


[…] Tandem Unicycle ??: ??, ?? ??: Tandem Unicycle, ???, ?????, ??? […]

[…] Podobnie jest z dzie?em designera Corbina Dunna, który z dwóch starych rowerów stworzy? Tandem Unicycle, czyli oryginalny rower dla dwojga. Zamieszczony poni?ej filmik pokazuje, ?e mo?na na nim […]

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