

Today was one of the best days ever. A bunch of us in New Zealand went “Heli-muniing”. For the uninformed, that is taking a helicopter to the top of a mountain and riding our muni (mountain unicycles) down to the bottom. Totally awesome. The adventurers: Andy (the ringleader/organizer), Irene (his lovely wife), Nathan (who provided rad pictures), Beau (who rode almost everything), John (amazing rode it without a brake!), Scott (who rode it with 125mm cranks), two guides from Fat Tyre Adventures and myself (on the geared 24″ mountain unicycle).

Some of the great pictures by Nathan Hoover.

John Foss walking in front of the machine we are about to depart in:


View of the ride:


Landing. The chopper took two trips to get us all there. Nathan had already arrived and took a picture of the last of us getting out. I’m on the left with the uni:


The team:


Me crossing the freezing river:


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Emmett ross

holy crap, you actually whent heli-cycling!!!! so crazy cool!!!!!!!

Jason H.

Hah, you look cold in the group shot, Corby… what, was it only 65 degrees outside? :)

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